needs assistance

Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and you’ll need visuals for your presentation. Create a slide show (in PowerPoint or similar software) in which you address the following, in this order:

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  1. Goals: What the project hopes to accomplish.
  2. Critical Success Factors: Identify at least four different stakeholders; for each, list at least two things that the stakeholder requires in order to deem the project successful.
  3. Acquisition strategy: Should the system be built in house, created by a contractor, purchased off the shelf and customized, or leased as a service? Explain your rationale.
  4. Resources: For in-house development, what people and skills are required and what development life cycle do you recommend? Otherwise, identify three candidate organizations that can deliver the system.
  5. System functions: In a table format, summarize the types of users for the system; the business reason(s) each would use the system; the ways that the system supports each of these needs and how this support differs from the current system.
  6. Connectivity: Provide a diagram that shows how the system will connect to the other information systems and what data flows among them.
  7. Security: List the most serious cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities of the new system. Suggest strategies to address them.
  8. Mobility: Identify the system’s capabilities for mobile use. Include a title and summary slide.

Use one slide for each of the preceding eight points.

Include speaker notes or audio narration that explains each slide more fully.

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Use the downloads below to help with the power point

Make sure you stay on topic with each question and a slide follows after

Use scholarly references if applicable

Follow APA format

  • Develop a business case to convey the value of the information systems solution to an audience of diverse stakeholders.


To: Dr. Phil



Subject: Karen proposal

Information System Proposal


Clinicians face a rising amount of clinical data and rising volumes of research on medical work as they treat patients. While many physicians use electronic databases and health record systems to manage the exponentially increasing amount of information, clinical decision support systems come in handy to boost efficient decision-making and ensure patient safety. However, the absence of an efficient decision support system results in shadows in the IT projects. Karen Clinic Company’s current internal information system has failed; it is inadequate and outdated. Hence, it requires a changeover to a new system that will upgrade the quality of service, operation stability, and enforce IT compliance.

Proposed Information System

My proposal is a clinical decision support system (CDSS) that considers clinical decision-makers’ cognitive functions and data interactions. The problem in context is the need to fix a new system that reduces or eliminates inadequacy and inefficiency leading to Shadow It functionalities in the current information system in Karen Clinic. The demand for the system is high because it handles multi-disciplinary tasks that require integration of large volumes of information in the clinical domain (Yao & Kumar, 2013). Notably, CDSS intends to monitor projects that fly under the radar without passing through the right formal channels such as IT governance. Thereby enables the executives to restrict and stop attempts of employees to install tools that can bypass the internal controls.

Functions Important to Business

CDSS information reflects the process for making decisions intellectually and contextually to boost the effort by clinicians. It makes dynamic predictions that consider the longitudinal nature of the disease, allowing the clinicians to interact with the system effectively. The system makes clinical decisions, which include predicting the patient’s prognosis, diagnosis, and selecting optimal treatments. The decisions are interdependent but reflect on data flow patterns (Shah, .2014) CDSS relates ordered steps that lead to new data significant to make decisions. Consequently, it improves IT governance in the sense that executives can control the installation and configuration of new systems that can cause outages due to lack of documentation. It would reduce the risk of undercover infringement to the information security system of the Company.

The system allows input of patient history, physical examination details, and symptoms, which directs the clinicians on what diagnostic test to take. Besides, the system offers a positive feedback loop for the construction of the decision paradigm. Also, it combines lab tests and diagnosis data to allow for accurate predictions of prognosis to patients. Additionally, the system has a high-level algorithm that encapsulates the communication characteristics of the Karen clinic. In the context of shadow IT projects, it restricts the development of data repositories to manage patient’s data as it is prone to losses.

Data Management

Health care professionals use cognitive skills to assess healthcare data. Critical skillsets are used to analyze differential diagnosis alongside experiential skills which combine clinical information to make clinical decisions. According to Hersh, data sharing is seamlessly evident in the interoperable clinical environment. Both the system and health care professionals share data to create a medical logic, and hence inter-professional collaboration is efficient at this point of view. Besides, data management employs a longitudinal insight. Many clinical procedures incur repetition; hence temporal longitudinal data establishes a foundation for predictive decision support.
The system has a document management system that identifies knowledge repositories folders hidden from the organization to counter knowledge waste and losses.

Data Types

In a clinical setting, the health professional primarily uses data like patient records. Regardless of the hospital characteristics, the system’s absolute data are diagnostic test results, patients’ detailed health history, progress, prognosis, and treatment procedures. All are synchronized towards decision making alongside the health professional cognitive skills and knowledge. The records include the use of descriptions and figures. Common data types are character, integer and floating-point often stored in bytes range 0 to 8.

Storage Methods

Scanned documents, diagnostic results, patient records, and images from physicians are stored in the CDSS database system, where only authorized clinicians can access and retrieve the information captured in an organized manner. The CDSS uses a file storage system; data is aligned in a hierarchical structure to allow for easy navigation while others are stored in block forms. Some are stored as objects to allow quick configuration and easy retrieval. Nevertheless, it utilizes unstructured manner storage of physician’s notes and general patient’s requests. However, the system employs cloud storage that enforces data encryption. It becomes undecipherable to unauthorized users.

Data Quality

A high-quality health service requires proper handling of clinical information. CDSS considers extensive delineation of data quality, which includes correct and complete data in the system. Unstructured data leads to increased chances of inaccuracy and challenges like less concordance (Weiskopf,.2013). Another property for the system allows for reasonable information breadth and density that enhances the strength of prognosis prediction. The system has robust firewall technology that protects the data itself. It counters the insiders who attempt to bypass interior cybersecurity.

The transition of System Functions

Previously, the clinic used an electronic health record automation system. It intended to streamline the clinician’s workflow by easing access to patient records and information. It had many access points of data that increases the chances to breach of security protocol. Often there is inflexibility to retrieve data and specific representations of information. Consequently, the aforementioned inherent need to replace it drives the company towards the use of CDSS. It has tools that clinicians can use to access reports and patients data easily. The cloud system has a limitation to a few access points; it segments data to only a few trusted users enabling improved data security and elimination of shadow projects.

Evidence of feasibility

At the University of Utah, a study shows the use of a CDSS system is effective in data extraction; it is an easing tool for the decision making process. Data extraction improves the sensitivity of algorithms, enhancing prediction capabilities. However, it is more expensive than an electronic health record automation system because more money is spent on integrating cybersecurity. All Scripts is a similar CDSS system that is successfully proven efficient in over 800 clinical guides. The CDSS is based on decision-making processes compared to other information systems such as management information systems that collect and process information from other sources of the institution.


Hersh W. Secondary Use of Clinical Data from Electronic Health Records [Online]. Available from:

Yao W, Kumar A. CONFlexFlow: integrating flexible clinical pathways into clinical decision support systems using context and rules. Decis Support Syst. 2013;55(2):499–515.

Shah K. Case-study-an answer to analytical, clinical decision making. J Orthop Case Rep. 2014;4(2):3–4.

Weiskopf NG, Hripcsak G, Swaminathan S, Weng C. Defining and measuring electronic health records completeness. J Biomed Inform. 2013;46(5):830–6.


To: ADD names

From: ADD name

Date: ADD date

Subject: ADD title


Due to the advancement in technology, the organizations have had to make several changes that will ensure they remain competitive with the other organizations. One such change is the adoption of electronic systems that enhances the efficiency of the organization. In our case since earlier, we had already adopted a system that helped store information electronically but it was constantly crushing and needed to be replaced. The organization decided to change the entire system. The new system to be implemented was the decision support system that would help the organization make better decisions.

Identify Changes

Technology has affected consumer behavior greatly and for this, the organization needs to be very quick to change so that they can satisfy the needs of the consumer. Nowadays most people conduct their shopping online and for this reason, the organization was going to start to make door to door deliveries. According to Zhang, (2007). Online shopping has steadily taken off and the increasing number of consumers are purchasing different products on the Internet. This is because when making


online it means that the organization is not only targeting the local market but also the international market. The best way to offer door to door delivery services would be to partner with various logistics companies that would help deliver the products ordered for. This would give the organization a competitive advantage since no other company has introduced door to door services but instead if a consumer buys a product they have to find their own means to get the product delivered. This has made them lose several customers. Our company is targeting the customers who need the delivery done.

Figure 1. Title (Lastname, 2)

Product Offerings

After the organization changes the product they will need a system that can be able to incorporate the changes that have been made. The decision support system will be very helpful













changes per month

before changes

after changes

and is easily compatible with the

Changes made to the delivery of the product. This is because even if the product is being delivered to the doorstep this cannot be at the expense of the organization but the client needs to pay for the transportation. The decision system will help make the decision of how much the client needs to pay for the product. This is because the decision can only be made upon purchase. After the customer inputs the details of the product they want and the current position where they want it delivered the system will generate the amount of shipping fee to be paid. To attract new customers the organization may offer free delivery to the clients no matter their destination. However, to avoid loss, the decision support system will give a way to integrate the prices so that the cost incurred can be covered. The change of the service delivery method and the incorporation of the new system would help increase the sales, customers gained profits, and even the satisfaction of customers.


The offering of the door to door delivery services should definitely be involved in the new system. This is because a lot needs to be examined and determined in terms of cost. An example the shipping cost to an African country cannot be the same as that within Europe. The calculation done is a complex one and needs to be done in the shortest time possible and give back the results. If the decision of how much will be charged to the client is done physically then there might be a lot of errors and it might take a long time to come to a decision. Another reason as to why the system should definitely be integrated is because the organization needs to make several decisions pertaining to which countries it will deliver and those not to deliver. In some countries, the cost of importing goods is very expensive due to taxes and the consumer might not be willing to pay for the high delivery price inclusive of the tax. For this reason, the system needs to make the decision on where and where not to deliver the product.


Change is inevitable and extremely necessary for most organizations. In fact, change is necessary for the organization to remain on top of the competition. The organization needs to change and adapt to the modern world. One example of change is that most people have turned to online shopping and the organization should come up with methods to support this to prevent the loss of customers.


 Nicolet Plastics’ Quick Response Manufacturing Strategy.

Zhou, L., Dai, L., & Zhang, D. (2007). Online shopping acceptance model-A critical survey of consumer factors in online shopping. Journal of Electronic commerce research, 8(1).

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customer gained

changes per month
before changes
after changes


customer gained customer gained

sales sales

profits profits

customer satisfaction customer satisfaction

before changes
after changes
changes per month


before changes after changes

customer gained 45% 70%

sales 53% 65%

profits 30% 54%

customer satisfaction 65% 85%


To: ADD name, title

From: ADD your name

Date: ADD date

Subject: Status Report Week 9

Enter a short paragraph stating the objective of the status.

The project involves the replacement of the old system with a new decision support system. It was agreed upon that the best way to implement the new change would be in phases so that the change does not cause any inconveniences to the productivity of the organization. During the first week phase one was conducted and it involved employing a task force and minimal employee training. The parts replaced were also tested. The second week would see the beginning of the second phase that mainly involved the changing of the second phase of the system. To make the work of the organization easier the employee was to be trained on the second part of the system that will be completed.

Project Task for this week:

· Finish up the remaining part of phase two

· start-up on phase three

· Test the first half of the system completed.

· Train employees on how to use the completed part of the system

Project Task accomplished this week

· Completion of the remaining part of phase one was completed

· Phase three was started

· The employees were trained on how to use the system

· The testing of the system was accomplished

Project Issues

· Time frame was not met

· The project was running low in terms of finances

Project tasks planned for next week

· Add a task force so as to help catch up and complete the project on time

· Immediately fund the project on the extra cost incurred


Gray, R. M., Cook, M. B., Natera, M. T., Inglis, M. M., & Dodge, M. L. (2008). Project Management: The. In Managerial Process”, McGraw-Hill.

King, W. R., & Cleland, D. I. (Eds.). (1988). Project management handbook. Van Nostrand Reinhold.

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