Need to write 2 pages Workplace Equity Dilemma paper on given scenario

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MGT 3332: Organizational Behavior

Module 3 Assignment 1: Workplace Equity Dilemma

Guidelines and Rubric

This workplace dilemma activity provides an opportunity for you to assume a role in a type of situation you may encounter in your career. Facing
difficult decisions and determining how to handle them is a soft skill that you will develop in this assignment. You will apply what you have
learned in this module about trust, justice, and ethics to communicate a tough decision to a team, while considering the importance of managing
the organizational environment. You will also explore how your personal management style or management preferences could influence the
tough decision you are facing. You will discover in this assignment how critical it can be when making tough decisions to keep the remaining
team motivated to maintain or even increase organizational commitment.

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First, consider the following scenario:

John and Mary are full-time professors in the same medical school department of a large private university. As a private institution,
neither the school nor the university makes the salaries and benefits of its faculty a matter of public record. Mary has pursued a
long-term (14 years) career in the medical school, rising through the academic ranks, while being married to a successful
businessman with whom she has raised three children. Her research and teaching contributions have been broad ranging and award
winning. John has joined the medical school within the last three years and was recruited for his leading-edge contribution to a novel
line of research on a new procedure. Mary thought he was probably attracted with a comprehensive compensation package, yet she
had no details until an administrative assistant gave her some information about his salary and benefits a month ago. Mary learned
that John’s base contract salary is 16% higher than hers ($250,000 versus $215,000), that he was awarded an incentive pay
component for the commercialization of his new procedure, and that he was given an annual discretionary travel budget of $35,000
and a membership in an exclusive private club. Mary is in a quandary about what to do. Given pressures from the board of trustees to
hold down costs associated with increasing tuition fees, Mary wonders how to close this $70,000 inequity gap.

Then develop a two- to three-page paper that addresses the critical elements below and thoughtfully presents an approach for the department
leadership that would facilitate more equity in the workplace of this medical school department while also addressing the motivation aspects of
this dilemma.

MGT 3332: Organizational Behavior

Specifically, be sure to address the following in your written paper:

1. Determine the equity issues in this medical school department situation using what you have learned about social exchange and equity
theory. Specifically, be sure to address the following:

a. Do the outcome differences here appear to be gender-based, age-based, performance-based, or marital status-based?
b. Do you need more information? If so, what kind of additional information do you need?
c. Assess how your personal preferences, management styles, and biases may have influenced your responses to the two

questions above.

2. Consider the strategies for the resolution of inequity as portrayed in this situation. Specifically, be sure to address the following:
a. Which ones are feasible to pursue based on what you know?
b. Which ones are not feasible? Why?
c. What are the likely consequences of each strategy or course of action?
d. Reflect on your personal management style. If you were Mary’s mentor, what would you advise Mary to do?

3. Assume the role of a leader in this academic department and develop a specific plan of action to resolve the inequity so that Mary and

the department can achieve fair treatment at work. Specifically, be sure to address the following:
a. What strategies should you consider to keep Mary motivated to contribute at her exemplary levels and to keep the medical school

a competitive program for future students.
b. What is your rationale for the strategy? Reference examples from the textbook or other sources.

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your assignment should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, two to three pages in length, double-spaced,
using 12-point type and 1-inch margins, and any sources that are used must be referenced in APA format.

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.

MGT 3332: Organizational Behavior

Criteria Satisfactory (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

and Equity

Determines the equity issues in a
medical school department using social
exchange and equity theory, assessing
outcome differences and identifying any
additional information needed. Also
assesses how personal preferences,
management styles, and biases may
influence perception of these concepts.

Determines the equity issues in a
medical school department using social
exchange and equity theory; also
assesses how personal preferences,
management styles, and biases may
influence perception of these concepts,
but lacks in detail or clarity, or contains

Does not determine the equity issues in
a medical school department using
social exchange and equity theory and
does not assess how personal
preferences, management styles, and
biases may influence perception of
these concepts.


Strategies Assesses feasible strategies for the
resolution of inequity, identifying likely
consequences and recommending best
options. Also reflects on personal
management style.

Assesses feasible strategies for the
resolution of inequity and reflects on
personal management style, but lacks
in detail or clarity.

Does not assess feasible strategies for
the resolution of inequity, or reflect on
personal management style.


Action Plan Develops a specific plan of action to
resolve inequity and achieve fair
treatment at work; including motivating
strategies and rationale for each

Develops a specific plan of action to
resolve inequity and achieve fair
treatment at work, but lacks in detail or

Does not develop a specific plan of
action to resolve inequity and achieve
fair treatment at work.


Mechanics No grammar or spelling errors that
distract the reader from the content. All
sources used are cited using APA
Style, 6th ed.

Minor errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content. All
sources used are cited using APA
Style, 6th ed.

Major errors in grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the content
and/or errors made in citing sources
using APA Style, 6th ed.


Total 100%

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