Need help on all homework international fiction rewrite week 5

Need help on all homework international fiction rewrite week 5

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Unit 5: Reading Journal

Due Tuesday by 11:59pm Points 15 Submitting a file upload


You will make at least one entry for each week, making sure to refer to every reading assigned that week. Your entry should be dated and given some sort of title or label. While you do not have to write extensively about each individual reading or author in the set, you should at least make some quick notes about main topics/themes for each one so you can remember them later. You must address all the readings (to some degree) in order to get full credit. The bulk of your journal entry should engage with the week’s reading in some way. Usually, you can use the weekly theme or lecture as a starting point, but if something really jumps out at you, then you should explore it!

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What an Entry Should Look Like

Feel free to write in the first person (“I think…I don’t understand…I saw a similarity…”). Your journal response might include your general reactions to the literary work, questions you have about it, connections to topics from class discussions, or revisions to your earlier thinking after having the benefit of additional time for reflection.

Possible specific approaches include looking at a passage, episode, or even single sentence from the reading that puzzles, moves, or upsets you—it’s tempting to skate past those moments, but instead slow down and focus on them; considering the significance or motivations of a character from one of the stories that we read; comparing different readings to each other; debating with me or a fellow student about an idea from discussion. I encourage you to write about things that challenge and push you. You can also connect the course material to your own life experience – just remember that the focus should be on the text.

It’s okay to think about how you felt reading a particular text or whether you enjoyed it or not. Just make sure always then to ask yourself, why? What is important is why you found a particular text appealing or unappealing, why you had a particular emotional reaction, why you agreed or disagreed with particular aspects of a text. Responding to these second level questions can refine your thinking about literature, your knowledge of yourself, and your values.


Your journal entry is due at midnight on Tuesday for each unit, and each entry is worth 15 points. In evaluating your journals, I will not be grading your grammar, nor will I be critiquing your ideas. Rather, I will be looking for these things:

Length of entries: Are the entries at least 250 words or longer and do they include the date and a title or label?

Appropriateness and vitality of entries: Are the entries relevant to the course and written clearly? Do the entries demonstrate serious efforts to come to terms with ideas from the weekly readings?

It may be tempting to see assignments such as this course reading journal—assignments that an instructor won’t be grading as formally as an essay or exam—as less important. Nothing could be further from the truth with this assignment. Your enjoyment and understanding of our readings, as well as your improvement in literary analysis, in writing, and in critical thinking, will be a direct result of the time you put into this assignment.

Submission of Journals

Please refer to the instructions regarding submitting materials in the course information module.

Sharing Your Journals

Because we can learn a lot from each other, from time to time I might ask you to share sections of your journals with other members of the class.


Reading Journal Rubric

Reading Journal Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength of Entry

Is the entry at least 250 words or longer and does it include the date and a title or label?

5 to >3.0 pts


3 to >0 pts


5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriateness and Vitality of Entry

Does the entry address all the readings for the week? Is the entry relevant to the course and written clearly? Does the entry demonstrate a serious effort to come to terms with ideas from the weekly readings?

10 to >6.0 pts


6 to >0 pts


10 pts

Total Points: 15

Janvier, Evans


Professor Tre



25 Nov 2020

Unit V Reading Journal

Rip Van Winkle

By Washington Irving

“Rip Van Winkle”

Before I begin, I would like to point out a few observations I’ve made in the story, that I found to
be quite intriguing. One of which there is a now famous bourbon by the name Rip Van Winkle,
that sells for no less than $1000. There was a mention of a Peter Stuyvesant, who was an
original settler of the province and the last Governor of that British Colony. There is a
neighborhood in New York by the name Bedford-Stuyvesant, named after Peter Stuyvesant. It
has been the center of African American culture and home to icons from Jackie Robinson to
Shawn Carter a.k.a Jay Z. I thought all of that was neat and wanted to share.

1. Describe the protagonist? I suppose the protagonist would be Mr. Rip Van Winkle. A
simple good-natured fellow who would starve for a penny than work for a pound. He was
always willing to go out of his way to help others, while neglecting his connubial duties.

2. List at least 3 signs that suggest that Rip Van Winkle has been gone from town for years.
There are several indications that Mr. Van Winkle had been long absent from his hometown.
Three that stands out to me is

1. Upon his return to his village he didn’t recognize not one face and they didn’t recognize hi


2. His home which was normally maintained by his wife was abandoned and desolate, and when
he called out for his wife and kids, no one answered.

3. When he was in the bar and questioned about his identity he answered, “I am a poor quiet
man, a native of the place, and a loyal subject of the king, God bless him!”. Not knowing that a
Revolutionary war had been fought and those words could have gotten him killed, possible.

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“Sweat” by Nora Zeale Hurston

I must say that I was deeply enraged when reading this short story. At how rudely Delia was
abused by Sykes. How the men in the community lacked the intestinal fortitude to come to her
aid, even if it was just to kill the snake. All of the abuse she endured for 15years. Sykes seems
like the type that needed hot grits poured on him.

3. Explain the quote: “Whatever goes over the Devil’s back, is got to come under his belly.” How
does this saying help Delia cope? I believe that this was her way of saying what goes around
comes around. Basically, that Karma was going to catch up with Sykes, and that gave her a
small measure of satisfaction and hope to continue.

4. Do you feel any sympathy for Sykes? Explain your answer with the text. Not at all actually.
For 15 years he mentally and physically abused his wife, and he took pleasure in seeing her
suffer and humiliating her. He acquired a snake in hopes it would kill his wife and he and
Bertha can basically, commandeer Delia’s house. He got exactly what was coming to him,
in my opinion.

5. Why is the title significant?

a. It’s very hot in Florida ; To emphasize the heat and Florida and emphasize why the men
didn’t act on their thoughts and opinions of Sykes I suppose.

b. Delia works very hard with everything. She was a very hard laborer and she did, at a
point, fight hard to preserve her marriage.

c. Delia and Sykes could not afford AC: To emphasize what class they were in, in their
community. There were somewhat middle class, but still barely getting by.

d. Sykes’ behavior is stressful and makes Delia sweat in a figurative way. To me its how deep
Sykes abuse went and how it affected his spouse

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