Need Friday 11/06 2020 By 5:30pm EST The Hero’s Journey Creative Writing (Midterm) Turnitin Assignment 2


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The book is coming from **The Odyssey Books (IX-XII)**

Student Learning Objectives:

  1. Read and discuss representative selections of various genres from the early Greek and Roman Empires through the Renaissance with insight and a knowledge of literary terminology.
  2. Construct informed and ethical arguments about historical and contemporary fine arts or other cultural products from the standpoint of diverse cultures.
  3. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
  4. Gather relevant information from original literature and recognized literary authorities to identify assumptions and relevant contexts when presenting a position.


We need to find and accept the truth, even if it is painful, and if that’s the case then actively try to change it for yourself instead of simply accepting it.

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Based on the The Odyssey, students will create their own Epic Poem using each element of the Hero’s Journey:

1. The Call

2. The Journey

3. The Battle/Wrap Up

Study Homer’s writing style and literary conventions of the ancient text to create your own piece of literature. 1000-1500 Words (not including your name, professor, course, date, and title)

***Please Example Attach***

Student Example

O great goddess, one who graces the children of stealth and Cunning with security and eternal blessing, may you narrate the Story of one of your greatest angels.

“Agent 74, please report to conference room 201 immediately.”

74 dropped her spear on the training room mat with a sigh, a
Short thud echoing through the chamber. She did not like for
Her training period to be interrupted, however she was not one
To ignore an order from headquarters. She thrived in her work
Since the beginning thanks to her dedication, albeit being tested
By her tendency of daydreaming on a job. 74 made her way up to The main offices, passing by rooms full with girls in various training Courses: knife work, hacking, arms work, and hands-on comeback. The steel grey walls of the complex were once claustrophobic, but After 17 years of walking those halls, 74 grew accustomed to their Eerie feeling. Growing up in Redmond Academy, she knew nothing Else but what she was trained for: how to be a secret agent.

“Agent, take a seat.” Knox, the Founder of Agents, never greeted, Simply gave orders. He trained everyone in the academy and supervised All trainees. 74 entered the conference room and sat at the edge of the Table, a black case file sitting in front of her.

Knox, ever on task, began debriefing:

“Agent 74, you have been assigned to the biggest and most dangerous Mission this agency has recorded. Iris Kane, the great arms dealer, has Escaped her imprisonment and is believed to be hiding at her first warehouse In the small city of Destin. You are to capture and bring her back, however, You must go undercover. You are to pose as an exchange student in high School by the name of Amethyst Ariba. We believe Kane will be using this School as a base, given its congestion of people and availability for stealth. You must capture her and contact us as soon as she is in your custody.”

74 tugged at her knife belt, the one she carried everywhere even when not On a job. She named all of her knives on the look for strength: Katalina, Zoya, Iqbal, and Lu.

“I do not think I am prepared for this. I am not trained enough.” Knox, who never took a no for an answer, replied:

“Teen Idle”

“74, you have trained your entire life. You were top of your class, and You finish every mission perfectly. You are prepared enough for this. You are the only one with sufficient training and expertise. The safety Of this organization relies on you.”

Not given much of a choice, 74 nodded and opened the file.

The town of Destin was small enough For anyone to notice a new person arriving. 74–no, Amethyst, stood In the kitchen of what would be her home until further notice. A girl

With short, blond hair stood on a corner inspecting her glasses while Her mom fussed around Amethyst.

“We are so excited to have you here! This town rarely has new visitors, Much less exchange students. Well, I will let you get settled; it is late And you will go to school tomorrow.”

The woman, Mrs. Sanders, waved and then walked away. The girl in The corner stood up and looked at Amethyst.

“I’m Victoria, I’ll help you tomorrow at school–after that, you’re on your own.”

Then she walked away, leaving Amethyst feeling like a six-year-old Again when she was assigned a partner at the academy. She did not
Get it get to her, though, so she set to prepare for any possible encounters With Iris Kane.

The next day did not start any better. Amethyst had stayed up all night Researching how high school life was since she did not have the experience Of a regular seventeen-year-old, which led to her waking up late to catch The bus to school. She dressed in her pre-planned clothes which, if her Investigation was correct, would be of the liking of the general population. Amethyst set to look for Victoria but found she had left early, which left her To run down to the bus top in the hopes she was still on time.

Once there, Amethyst realized the bus was long gone. She groaned in frustration, Trying to come up with a plan. Her mission was already failing and it hadn’t even Fully begun. She was considering calling Knox and telling on her mistake when a Small, black car stepped in front of her. The windows rolled down to show a rather Familiar person.


The girl inside the car nodded, her short black curls moving along. 75 Was always partnered with her since the beginning, though falling Behind her in any competition.
Amethyst had no idea what she was doing in front of her.

“It’s Khiana now. Knox assigned me to the case as backup; get in, I’ll Drop you off.”

Amethyst huffed–so much for being the only one able to handle the Case. She got in the car and let Khiana drive. She informed that she Would be doing behind-the-scenes work, such as spying on the Warehouse and giving reports back to HQ. Amethyst told her she Would be in contact, then sprinted out of the car as soon as the school Was within her eyesight.

Finally being at school was not a relief. Amethyst realized her extreme Training in Redmon Academy did not make up for her lack of social skills. She tried to walk into the building without attracting any attention, yet People seemed to not keep her eyes off her. Once she crossed the doors Into a crowded hall, many started laughing at the sight of her. She tried

To keep walking down, ignoring the giggles around her, but it seemed Like an impossible task. Some students were even taking pictures with Their cellphones. What just happened?

Victoria, ever the opportunist, showed up at that instant. “Why is everybody– oh, my God, what are you wearing?”

Amethyst looked down at her patterned socks, sandals, jean skirt, and Feather coat. Was her appearance the reason students were laughing? Back at the academy, trainees only wore all-black sports outfit, so she Never had any room for learning about fashion.

“Is it bad?”

Victoria only took her by the arm and shoved her into the nearest bathroom, Giving Amethyst her bag.

“Change into these clothes and burn the ones you’re wearing.”

She then disappeared just as she had the night before. Amethyst changed And hoped nobody would laugh at her anymore. Right before walking out, A poster caught her attention.

Don’t miss this year’s homecoming dance! The biggest event of the year Is here and you are cordially invited to come! Location: Gym. Starts at 7:20pm the day after the first football game.

A big event at school. Amethyst was sure Kane would show up, so she guessed she must go too.

Homecoming night came Around and Amethyst was sure something was about to happen. Years

Of being a secret agent shaped a sixth sense in her, one that could sense Danger before it happened. She stood in the corner of the decorated gym Watching high schoolers dance, trying to detect any signs of the great arms Dealer. After a few hours of hanging around, Amethyst was sure she was Simply being paranoid and she should head home. That is until she saw Khiana running out of the gym.

Amethyst frowned in confusion. What was she doing there? Her job was Behind the scenes, so there was no reason for Khiana to be near the school. Amethyst followed behind her, making sure she was not seen. She ended up Getting lost in the empty kitchen, no sign of Khiana anywhere nearby.

“Lost something?”

Amethyst turned around just in time to avoid getting hit by a knife. She Looked in the direction from which the object came from just to see none Other than Iris Kane standing there. Not far behind her, Khiana stood with Her arms crossed in front of her.

“What are you doing here?”

The arms dealer took a step forward, a gun hanging by her hip.

“Business. I have to say, your little friend was of great help.”

Khiana moved uncomfortably but did not deny Kane’s words. Amethyst’s Mind started racing.

“Khiana… that’s ‘betrayer’ in Arabic. You betrayed the academy?”

“How could I not? I was always standing in your shadow, never having A mission of my own, instead helping in yours. I am tired of being Overlooked. I have had enough of Knox and his senseless academy.”

Before Amethyst could say anything, Kane launched forward and hit Her knees, making Amethyst fall to the ground. She tried to defend Herself, but it was clear the arms dealer was far more trained. She did Not have one fighting pattern, instead moving like a phantom, one Moment there and the next one gone, a mere shadow in the room. After a few minutes of futile fight, Amethyst blacked out.

When she came back to her senses, she was laying at the Back of a van, an ice pack on her forehead. She looked At the side to see Knox staring at her.

“Agent 74, did you not have orders to contact us as soon As you had Kane within your reach? Yes, yes you did, But you had to fight her, didn’t you?”

Amethyst, feeling as if she was a trainee once again, replied:

“I did not know she was there. Agent 75 betrayed us.”

Knox did not seem to care, instead handing her the black Belt with her knives. The sight of her silver blades was a Rather reassuring one.

“74, you must finish the mission. A good agent never backs Out from a job, and you are not a quitter. We have intel that Kane is on her way to the Sanders’s house. Go, save them, And bring back the arms dealer.”

She reached for her knives and traced a finger along the Blades. She was not a quitter. She was determined to bring Iris Kane and Agent 75 to the hands of justice. She was Agent 74, and she had a mission to finish.

The lights at the Sanders’s house were all off, yet 74 could feel the impending Violence in the air. As soon as she opened the front door, she

Knew she was right, a four-point knife slashing her arm. The Lights turned on to reveal Victoria and Mrs. Sanders tied to a Chair, Iris Kane and 75 standing in front of them.

Kane did not let 74 say a thing.

“Before you start, do you really think you can beat me? In case You were not informed, I was the first agent Redmond Academy Ever created—Agent 1. I know everything you were taught and More. So, I ask you again, do you think you can beat me?”

74 took out her knives, two in each hand.

“No, but at least I will see you behind bars.”

She then threw the first knife at 75, making sure she would not Be able to aid Kane. It sunk into her shoulder with a thud. Kane Ran towards 74, but she side stepped and let the arms dealer
Fall onto the sofa. The agent then lunged to tie Kane but she Was faster and rolled away, throwing a jar of flowers to 74’s Head. She barely missed it and the vase hit a wall by a miracle. Every time 74 attempted to make direct contact with Kane it Was as if she was fighting with ghosts, reaching for thin air only.

The agent realized she had to change tactics. They were both Using the same method of fighting which would lead to neither Of them winning. So, 74 let herself be kicked on the chest and Feigned to be seriously hurt, falling to the floor immediately And closing her eyes. When she felt Kane lower her guard, 74 Kicked her knees and pinned her chest to the floor, tying her Hands with her knife belt. The arms dealer writhed trying to Move away, but it was impossible with her hands tied and 74 Sitting on her back.

74 called Knox and within five minutes and entire squad of Agents was present to take away the arms dealer. They also Took away a bloody 75, the knife still stuck in her arm.
They freed the Sanders, and 74 explained everything to them And apologized for all the trouble. Mrs. Saunders claimed that Although she was scared, she knew 74 was a decent girl.

Knox, the Founder of Agents, smiled at 74.

“So, 74, you have successfully done the biggest mission recorded
In Redmond history, and I believe you shall receive an equally big Reward. Tell me, is there anything that you desire?”
74 looked around her. In a corner, a group of agents were fixing the Damage done by her fright with Kane. At the other side of the room Stood Mrs. Sanders and Victoria were being checked by another agent, Bandages covering their arms yet chatting calmly.

Handing over her knife belt to Knox, the now Legend of Agents made a decision.

“This will be my last job. I want to live like a normal teenager after This. I have served the academy for many years, and I think
It is time for me to forge my own path.”

Knox nodded and smiled.

“If that is your request, then it shall be granted.” When the next sunrise arrived, 74 was no longer Alive—instead Amethyst Ariba entirely took her Place. She had survived hundreds of battles, hours Upon hours of intensive training, and faced the most Dangerous criminal in the world and won. With a Smile on her face, Amethyst was sure her new life Would never be as stressful as her old one was.

Or so she believed.




The Start

Getting to Know Your Main Character (MC):



· Identifiable clothing piece:

· Mannerisms/Speech patterns:

· Strengths:

· Weaknesses:

· Defining characteristic:

· Noble trait: (something good about them that holds true in almost every situation)

The Call

Your character must be called to do something. They must eventually accept the call (willingly or unwillingly) and go on the adventure.

· What is your character being asked to do?

· Why is your character specifically being asked?

· Why are they being asked now?

· What is the first thing your character thinks of when asked?

· How is he/she asked? Where, and



· How do they get there?

Does your character say yes?

Does your character say no?

What challenge do they face as they try to go?

What happens to change his/her mind?

What must your character do before or immediately after they go?





______________ Date:



What does going look like? (How will the reader know the character has fully accepted the call to adventure, no turning back?)




Showing Character Traits

In the white quadrants below, write one or two words about that characteristic for your character. In the grey boxes, write down three ways that you can show this in your story.

A Closer Look at Character & Setting

Go through a magazine, newspaper, or the internet to find three images that remind you of your main character and three images that remind you of your setting. Tape/Glue them to the back of this page. Write 1 line of description for each photo.



Choose your favorite description from each side. Rework the sentences here, adding either a metaphor, a simile, or a detail that reveals more about your character, or how your character interprets the setting, than the original.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Your main character needs someone to go on the journey with them. You may have multiple characters who journey with your character, but here, choose the one your character will talk with the most.

1. How Do We Meet?

Decide how your two characters meet. They may be who your character needs in order to go (


Solo in

Star Wars

), the one who forces your character to go (Inigo in the



Bride), who helps your character immediately after they go (



Finding Nemo

), or who for some reason is stuck with your character (Russel in UP).

Complete the following sentence:

my character


(Partner name)

(helps/forces, meets)

(to go, after they go)

(whatever they do: flying the ship, kidnapping them, helping find the boat)

Getting To Know You

· Name:

· Main character trait:

· Identifiable mannerism/piece of clothing:

· Secret/Goal:

· How could that secret/goal interfere with the MC’s goal?

· Something big they disagree with MC about: (a theme, like responsibility or love)

· A specific way you can show this: (Should we rescue the princess? Talk to the whale?)

· Strength (different from MC):

· Weakness (different from MC)

Why Should They Stay? Where Are They Going?

What’s keeping your partner with your MC? What is their “no turning back” point?

How does the partner help the MC get to/through their next “battle”?



1. Getting To Know You

· Name:

· Primary Character Trait:

· Identifiable mannerism/piece of clothing:

· Why are they against the main character or their goals?

· What will happen to them if the main character wins?

The Plot

When is the first time your antagonist meets the main character?

What is one thing your antagonist is better at than your MC?

Write down one way you will show this in their first encounter:

What is one thing your antagonist knows that your MC doesn’t?

Write down one way you will hint at this in their first encounter, and show in a later encounter:

Why should your MC be afraid of your antagonist? (What can your antagonist do?)

Write one way to show your antagonist is willing to do this, in the first scene your antagonist appears in:



The guide is the one who helps your hero on his/her journey. How is this different than the partner you ask? Both the partner and the guide help your hero, but the guide teaches them.


and Yoda are


’s guides in Star Wars. The original Dread Pirate Roberts (who never makes an appearance in the book/movie) is Westley’s guide in

The Princess


1. Getting To Know You
· Name:

· Why does this person want to help your character?

· What does this person know and how did they learn it?

Guiding the MC

· How does the guide meet your MC?

· What does your MC think of them initially?

· How is your MC’s life made more difficult by accepting this person’s guidance?

· What does the guide teach the MC? How? (Be specific.)

· What is one problem that the MC has in learning what the guide wants to teach them?

· Does the guide change the MC’s way of thinking? If so, how?

· How does the guide help your MC?

· When does your MC gain independence from the guide?

· What does your MC’s partner think of the guide? What’s one thing they disagree on?

Setting Helper

Fill out this chart to help you with your scenery changes. It’s helpful to do this with every major scenery change. Write down what your character is seeing/hearing/smelling as it corresponds to each section.







Three Main Scenes

Write down 3 struggles your MC has to go through. Each of these scenes should somehow bring your MC closer to their goal. In Star Wars, Luke has to escape the Millennium Falcon, find/rescue the Princess, and escape the garbage compactor. The last is his “supreme ordeal,” the hardest scene where death seems certain. Write a nickname for each scenes on the line in the 1st column. Note: What your MC gains/losses may be very physical (gains lightsaber) or not (loses sense of security).



Struggle 1

Struggle 2

Struggle 3

(most difficult)



How did your MC get there:

What does your MC need to do?

What’s opposing them?

How does your MC succeed?

What does your MC gain/lose?

Where does your MC end up (setting)?

What problem is your MC faced with now?


How did your MC get there:

What does your MC need to do?

What’s opposing them?

How does your MC succeed?

What does your MC gain/lose?

Where does your MC end up (setting)?

What problem is your MC faced with now?


How did your MC get there:

Why does failure seem certain here?

What does your MC need to do?

What’s opposing them?

How does your MC succeed?

What does your MC gain/lose?

Where does your MC end up (setting)?

The Return/Second Door

1. Where’s Your MC At?

Your MC has been through a lot. He/She has made it through the third struggle, the most difficult of them all. Do a quick recap on where your MC is at right now.

· Has anyone your MC known died/left? Who?

· What are one or two things your MC has accomplished to get closer to his/her goal?

· What is the main thing your MC still needs to do? Do they know how they will do that? If not, who shows them?

· How has your MC been hurt by the antagonist? How has your MC’s opinion/knowledge of the antagonist changed?

· What threat does the antagonist now pose?

· Where is your MC now physically and emotionally? How is your MC changing?

Change the Scenery

Your character is going into their last lap—their final go around with the antagonist and their goal. They should be back into friendly or familiar territory. Luke rejoins the Rebels.


gets to Sydney. Westley is back in the kingdom. They’re very close to their ultimate goal.

· Where does your MC go?

· Who goes with him/her? How does he/she get there?

Make A Plan

Your character needs to decide how they’re going to reach their goal/defeat the antagonist.

· What is the plan?

· What does your character need to accomplish the plan? How do they get those things?

Final Battle

The Fight

· What is at stake for your character?

· What is the first thing the antagonist does to oppose the plan? How does your MC get past it?

· What is something that goes wrong with the plan? How does your MC get past it?

· What is something that discourages your character in the midst of the fight?

· What makes it look like the antagonist is sure to win?

· Name 3 ways that the antagonist fights against the MC (physically/emotionally)




· How does the MC use what he/she has learned in the battle?

· How do your MC’s friends help in the battle?

· What does your MC lose in the battle?

· How does your MC win?

· What does that win mean? Did they win their goal or something else?


Wrap Up

Your MC returns home or to friendly/familiar territory.

· How has your MC changed? What’s one way you can show/acknowledge that?

· What has your MC learned? What’s one way you can show/acknowledge that?

· Where does your MC end up, physically and emotionally?

General Character Sheet:

Your story will likely be have several other characters besides the main character, partner, guide, and antagonist. Use this sheet for any other characters you want a clearer picture of.


Relationship to MC:

Identifiable clothing piece/mannerism/feature:

Main character traits:

Strengths (and ways/scenes where you show them):

Weaknesses (and ways/scenes where you show them):

Something he/she disagrees on with the MC:

One way he/she helps (or hurts) the MC (Be specific):

Why is this character crucial to the story?

Does this character die or leave? If so, how? If not, at what point does it appear like they might?

The Storyboard

Note important scenes from your story using this chart. You can use your worksheet to help.

One Sheet


’s Journey

1. The Call

· Where does the character start out at: _________________________________________________

· Character receives call when: ________________________________________________________

· Hero accepts call when: _____________________________________________________________

· Hero “goes” when: __________________________________________________________________

The Journey

· Hero is trained when: ________________________________________________________________

· Hero’s 1st struggle: __________________________________________________________________

· Hero’s 2nd struggle: _________________________________________________________________

· Hero’s 3rd (most difficult) struggle: ____________________________________________________

· Hero returns to friendly/familiar territory when ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

· Because of struggles, hero has gained: ________________________________________________

· Because of struggles, hero has lost: ___________________________________________________


Battle/Wrap Up

· The hero’s plan for battle:___________________________________________________________

· The low point of the battle is when:___________________________________________________

· The hero’s friends help in the battle by:_______________________________________________

· The hero wins the battle when:_______________________________________________________

· The hero’s accomplishments are recognized when:____________________________________


· The main change in the hero from the beginning is: ___________________________________


Examples of The Hero’s Journey

Note: Some Hero’s Journey patterns include a “Prince/Princess” role, where the person plays somewhat of a love interest and is rescued by the hero. It’s more of a wild card, but see if you notice the role in any of your favorite stories. Also, the charts below contain some SPOILERS.

Star Wars: A New Hope

Hero Luke

Goes from being a whiny kid to the hero of the Rebellion.

Partner Han

helps Luke go by flying the ship off of the planet. Helps Luke at the last second by fighting

Darth Vader

at the last Death Star scene.

Guide Obi-Wan

Teaches Luke about the Force. Dies in fight against Darth Vader.

Antagonist Darth Vader

Demonstrates he is formidable by invading ship, and capturing Princess


and later destroying Alderran.

Princess Leia

Leader in Rebellion. Saved by Luke on Death Star.


C3P0, R2D2

Guide/Help Luke








Goes from feeling unhappy and like she’s made for something more to saving China.


Helps Mulan go by messing up her first impression on the matchmaker, pushing her to a point of decision.


Teaches Mulan how to fit in/encourages her to show courage.

Shan Yu

Demonstrates he is formidable by killing messenger, and later the village.


Li Shang

Leads army. Saved by Mulan during avalanche.

Yao, Ling, and Chien Po

Help Mulan fight.






Finding Nemo

Goes from being constantly worried, not willing to let son grow up, to being braver and willing to let Nemo grow up.


Helps Marlin after he goes by leading him further into the ocean and to the sharks.

The mask

Finn plays more of the traditional guide character for Nemo, but for Marlin, the scuba mask is what teaches him where Nemo is. Then it disappears in the trench.


Demonstrates she is formidable in the “Happy Birthday” picture with the fish.

Crush, the pelican, the charade fish, and the whale.

Help Marlin find Nemo.

Examples of the Hero’s Journey: Plot


Finding Nemo

Struggle 1

Struggle 2

Star Wars
The Call

Obi-Wan asks Luke to go with him to Alderran, after hearing Leia’s message.

Mulan’s father is asked to join the army.

Nemo is taken away by the divers.

Does he/she accept?

No, at first. Then Luke’s uncle and aunt are killed, and he says yes.

Yes. First she must cut her hair and take her father’s armor and sword. She takes Cri-Kee and meets Mushu.

Yes. He meets Dory

Going/ First Door

Luke, Obi-Wan, and Han fly off towards Alderran.

Mulan signs up for the army. She meets Li Shang.

He follows Dory and goes to the sharks’ meeting.

Escape Millennium Falcon, get into the Death Star.

Pass for a man, learn how to fight.

Escape the sharks


Knowledge of where Princess Leia is




Fighting skills.


Good standing with Li Shang (and initially, Yao, Ling, and Chien Po)


The mask (Directions to Nemo)


The mask.

(It falls into the trench)

Rescue the Princess:

Luke & Han invade the detention center.

Fight Huns:

Mulan starts an avalanche.

Get to the EAC:

Escape trench, resolve friendship, get through jellyfish.

The Princess

More safety. Now they’re trapped.


Respect from fellow soldiers, & temporary safety from Huns


Health. Mulan is hurt.


Distance, directions, notoriety, and greater friendship.


Dory’s health (stung by jellyfish).

Sense of security.

Struggle 3

Escape trash compactor.

Escape penalty for disguise.

Escape belly of the whale.

Defeat seems certain:

Walls begin caving in, monster in trash compactor, droids won’t respond.

Defeat seems certain:

Li Shang raises sword.

Defeat seems certain:

The whale looks like it’s about to swallow them.

Return/ Second Door

Obi Wan dies.

Luke, Leia, and Han escape the Death Star and return to the Rebel Base.

Mulan is abandoned.

Mulan sees the Huns and returns to the imperial city to tell Li Shang.

Dory & Marlin get to Sydney.

It appears Nemo has died.

Plan for Battle

The Rebels make a plan to attack the Death Star.

Mulan tells Yao, Ling, and Chien Po her plan to defeat Shan Yu.

Nemo is alive! But he and Dory are captured. Nemo tells Dory and Marlin his plan to escape.

Final Battle

Low Point: Luke’s friend dies, the other pilot misses the shot, and Darth Vader is about to shoot Luke.

Friend Helps: Han shoots Darth Vader’s ship.

Win: Luke blows up the Death Star.

Low Point: Mulan & Shan Yu battle alone on top of a roof.

Friend Helps: Mushu lights a firecracker at Shan Yu.

Win: Shan Yu dies and the emperor is rescued.

Low Point: The net emerges out of the water momentarily. Also, it appears Nemo has died again once the other fish have escaped.

Friend Helps: Dory tells the other fish to swim down.

Win: Marlin and Nemo are reunited and the other fish escape.

Wrap Up

Luke, Leia, and Han attend a medal ceremony.

Mulan receives a medal and returns home to show her father.

Marlin takes Nemo to school, successfully tells a joke, and encourages Nemo to go have an adventure.

The Start

The Call

Going – 1st Door


1st Challenge

2nd Challenge

3rd Challenge (Most Difficult)

Going Back/Plan for Battle

Battle/Wrap Up







defining characterstic:


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