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Case of Claire


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The Case of Claire

CPSS/385 Version 2


University of Phoenix Material

The Case of Claire

Claire, 33, was recently arrested for shoplifting and was sentenced to 6 months in jail.

Before being arrested, Claire lived with her younger sister and cousin in a 1-bedroom apartment. She was working at a 24-hour convenience store, but was fired for behavioral issues and not arriving on time for work.

Claire was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when she was 18 years old and has been on many different medications to stabilize her moods. She has been taking a mood stabilizer to treat her bipolar disorder, but due to being fired, she can no longer afford her medication and has not taken any for 3 months. Claire considered counseling, but does not have the money for it.

During the intake interview, Claire stated she did not have a high school diploma, but would like to take the required test to obtain her GED. She stated she does not want to go back on her medication, because she did not like the way it made her feel; it also made her gain weight. Claire also stated that when she was arrested, her sister told her she could no longer live at the apartment upon her release from jail.

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