Need a write-up on the below lines.

Need to write a minimum 500 word description covering the below criteria.Assume you are a Project Manager/ Scrum Master with a IT Organization. Write a summary how the knowledge gained in the two subjects mentioned below  has helped the candidate to successfully perform his/her duties as Project Manager/Scrum Master.It has to clearly explain how the topics mentioned below helped in performing the current role as a Project ManagerTake the topics and analyze their relatedness and how helpful are they for the duties mentioned belowTopics covered in each subject are also mentioned.Role: Project Manager / Scrum MasterResponsibilities:·       Project planning and execution·       Management of project resources·       Status reporting (status, risk, issues, action items, etc.) to project teams as well as to senior management/governance committees.·       Experience with management project financials – budgeting, tracking and reporting actual costs, as well as forecasting project spend.·       Management of project plans in MS Project·       Managing service delivery of application development project using Agile and Waterfall methodologies.·                Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity POCSubject 1: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery·       Disasters , Types of Disasters·       Disaster Recovery Plans·       Business Continuity Planning·       Risk Assessment (Disaster based Risk Assessment, Asset based Risk Assessment, Octave Risk Assessment)·       Business Impact Analysis·       Tier1, Tier2 and Tier3 recovery·       Critical Assets·       Business Functions, Business Processes·       Dependency Analysis·       Data backup, Recovery site Alternatives·       Documentation, Creting back-ups·       Identify DR risks·       Rehearsing the DR PlanSubject 2: Cryptography·       Purpose of Cryptography·       Algorithms, Encryption, Keys, Kirchoff’s Principle·       Polyalphabetic Cyphers, Cipher text, Cryptogram·       Certificate, Certificate Authority·       Cryptanalysis·       Decipher / Decrypt / Decode·       Key Clustering, Key space, Non repudiation·       Secure HTTP, Secure Sockets Layer, Transport Layer Security·       Substitution and Transposition·       Electronic Code book·       Cypher Block chaining·       Categories of Cryptosystems·       Digital Signatures·     Attack Types, Frequency Analysis·     Steganography·     Cryptography and Patent SystemNotes:1. No Plagiarism2. Min 2 pages (>500 words)

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