Music Tina Turner

I Need a 4 page paper I am sending the Syllabus !!!!Please follow it clearly .. I answered a lot of questions concerning the first part of the Assignment I HIGHLIGHTED IT IN YELLOW. Just add on to what I said.. 

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Paper with Part 1 and Part 2 have an


Introduction, Body paragraphs, and Conclusion for each part of the concert review.

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Part 1: Personal experience and expectations (50%) Talk about your music past, what music do you listen to, what concerts have you gone to, what do you think this concert is going to be like, etc. (MY music past is Rhythm and Blues. I listen to Gospel Music today, I have been to many concerts, But my favorite would be the singer ‘JOE’ “ALL THAT I AM” Joe in concert The Box Amsterdam 2019 full concert .. I’m always excited to see my favorite performer especially the male singers thar are handsome and talented.
Part 2: Concert Experience (50%) Write a review about the concert.

Here is the assignment in detail:

You do not have to answer any question that does not apply to you or the concert you picked.

· o


  Use the first 2 pages of the paper to discuss the following:

·    Your expectations for the concert (it may be a good idea to do this ahead of time). Great expectations whenever I go to a concert

· Discuss your own personal musical tastes and experiences (Cultural Self-Awareness) music has always been a way we celebrate as a cultural I’m a woman of color music has always been the foundation of my culture it brings us together

· What kind of music do you listen to?  Your family? Friends? We Love Rhythm and Blues, music that make you feel In Love, we enjoy music that make you want to dance. Beyonce is one of my personal favorites. My friends and myself enjoy music the make you feel happy to be around the people you’re around and relaxing with.

· Have you attended any concerts?  Describe your experience(s).  What values motivate behavior in this musical culture? What are the expected behaviors at this type of concert? Yes I have attended many concerts it’s a favorite thing of mine, I Love to dress up and the works. To engage back with the performer, because they are vibing off of you knowing their music and grooving and standing

·   How does this musical culture differ from the culture experienced at the concert you attended or does it? (Cultural Worldview Framework) I believe the culture remains the same if not more enhance, because Artist are happy to have a sold out crowd, normally you want to attend a concert that people feel as close as possible to how you you.

· What values motivate behavior in Western art music culture?  How are they similar/dissimilar to what you’re accustomed to? Music has always been something that brought the western art music culture together in some form, I believe its all similar because the Artist today piggy back and learned from the artist from yesterday like James Brown inspired Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson Inspired singers like” Usher” “Chris Brown” and Bruno Mars “ Of Course some of the Rap Music I can totally live without.

·    How did the expected behaviors and social interactions at a “classical” concert differ from your past experiences if you choose a “classical”?   If you saw a “rock or jazz” concert, are they different then your earlier experiences? I haven’t been to a Jazz concert or a classical concert.

·  Were they followed at this concert?  How do you feel about them? (Civic Responsibility/Concert Etiquette) If I were to Attend a concert that was slightly different than what im us too I would always be conscious of my surroundings.


Part 2: Concert Experience “Tina Turner Concert “One LAST TIME LIVE IN CONCERT” LOOK ON YOU TUBE

· o    Use the next 2 pages of the paper to describe your concert experience (Critical Thinking)

· §   discuss the hall the music was performed in

· §   discuss the audience

· §   most importantly, discuss the music itself using the musical terminology learned in class

· o    What was your overall reaction to the concert?

· §   Tell the reasons that you enjoyed or did not enjoy the concert.

· §   Discuss whether you feel the performers have skill/ talent as musicians.

· §   Can you appreciate the talent of the performers even if you do not care for the genre or style of music?


Musical accuracy:  Your description and evaluation of the concert must be clear and thorough. From your concert experience, please analyze to the best of your ability the music that you heard, and how it affects you. 

USE Musical terminology: Use musical language that you understand. Discussing and analyzing the separate elements such as rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, form, or any other information learned in class is encouraged.  Ideally, you will discuss how these elements are synthesized to create a successful piece of music.

In your conclusion, please sum up your experience in the report, based on the analysis of different elements of the concert.

Follow the format, have an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion for the concert review.

you may watch a concert on TV, DVD or Online. (You Tube)

“Tina Turner Concert “One LAST TIME LIVE IN CONCERT” at the Wembley Stadium in 2000

Here is a template that you may use for the concert review:



MUSI- – The History Of Rock and Roll


Part 1: Personal Experience and Expectations

Introduction to this section (Describe what you are covering in the paper)


Personal Experience (Your musical background)

Text of the response.


Expectations (What you expect from watching this concert)

Text of the response.

Part 2: Concert Experience

Introduction to this section (The concert you pick and why)

Text of the response.

Review (The Review of the concert)

Text of the response.

Conclusion (Final thoughts and conclusions about this concert and paper)

Text of the response.

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