
You’ll notice that several stanza of lyrics are delivered in an AAB pattern.  In other words, Blind Lemon sings a statement, repeats the statement, and then responds to the statement. Blues songs often follow this pattern, superimposing it over the standard Blues Form. 

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1. Listen to Blind Lemon Jefferson’s Matchbox Blues.

Watch Video

Blind Lemon Jefferson – Match Box Blues Duration: (3:00)
User: ianlee73 – Added: 4/25/10 YouTube URL:

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Matchbox Blues (second verse)

I’m settin’ here wonderin’ would a matchbox hold my clothes
I’m settin’ here wonderin’ would a matchbox hold my clothes
I ain’t got so many matches but I got so far to go

Could you write a blues song about the trials, tribulations, or successes of your daily life that tell a story in the blues tradition? 

2. Try it! Use the AAB format to express yourself.  Write at least three stanzas.  Make sure that the last syllable of each line rhymes with the two lines above it.   

3. Typed your verses in Microsoft Word doc., save the file, and then upload the file

4. Upload your file by clicking “Browse My Computer” for Attach File.

Here’s an example of one stanza of the blues.

(A)You wrote some blues, I bet you hope they’re good.
(A)You wrote some blues, I bet you hope they’re good.
(B)If you upload ’em here then you did just like you should.

NOTE: Only use the Comments area in Blackboard Learn for comments to your instructor; it is NOT for submitting your assignments.

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