Multi-Generational Workforce Conflict


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Imagine that you manage a department in a health care organization of your choosing. The organization recently merged with another, layoffs occurred, and departments are now being consolidated. Your department now has employees whose ages span four generations, three different cultural groups are represented, and conflict is brewing between them. The conflict is affecting performance, shift scheduling, and cooperation with other departments. 

Write a 700- to 1,050-word directive to address these conflicts. Do the following in your directive:

Assess the situation that your department is facing.

Create clear and reasonable expectations and goals to achieve cohesion, cooperation, and communication in your department.

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Lay out a strategy to overcome these conflicts and improve workplace performance.

Explain how success will be measured based on your strategy and goals.

Consider using tables, matrices, or other visuals.

Evaluate what leadership traits you need to incorporate in order to lead your diverse department.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment. Textbooks and websites will not meet this requirement. Please take a look at databases such as ProQuest as an example. 

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