
MUL1010 Music AppreciationWritten Assignment #2: A Night at the Opera Instructions: 

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1. Listen to three (3) arias in the


OnMusic Appreciation, 4th edition, eText, under Discover Music List:

a. Puccini’s “E Lucevan le stelle” from Tosca

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 b. Bizet’s “Habanera” from Carmen

c. Adam’s “News has a Kind of Mystery” from Nixon in China 

2. Complete the Opera table below. 

3. Use Microsoft Word and run a spell check/grammar check (under the “Review” menu in Word).

 4. Correct grammar and spelling will be part of your grade. 

5. Then copy and paste your assignment into the Assignment Drop Box (not the “Comments” Box.) 

6. All written assignments will run through SafeAssign, Blackboard’s plagiarism checking tool. Be sure to paraphrase appropriately.

 7. See the Rubric for how your grade will be determined. See Calendar for due date.

Opera “E Lucevan le stelle” (Puccini), “Habanera” (Bizet), “News has a Kind of Mystery” (Adams) & Discuss Similarities and Differences 

Tempo (slow, medium, fast, dance-like?)

Unity that you hear in timbre (instrumentation), tempo, dynamics (loud or soft)

Variety you hear like changes in timbre (instrumentation), tempo, dynamics (loud or soft)

 Lyrics (What story, if any, is told by lyrics each artist sings?)

Voice quality (Use adjectives to describe the different timbre of each singer’s voice.)

Rhythm (Does the song have a clear pulse or beat? Is there syncopation?)

Other (What else comes to mind as you listen to this music?)Can you think of a modern artist or song that may have been influenced by each vocalist or each style? What similarities are apparent? 

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