Movie review


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MOVIE REVIEW                            PROFESSOR STREICHLER

General Directions:  Each student is responsible for one written movie review of one of the films listed for this class relating to human rights. Your review should be 2-3 paragraphs long with each paragraph approximately five sentences long. This assignment is due NOVEMBER 3 at 5:45 PM submitted via Canvas with the text in the body of the message. Late reviews will be reduced by one letter grade and an additional letter grade for each day late thereafter. Movie reviews submitted as an attachment will NOT be accepted. Students may include this assignment in their IAS portfolio.

Additional Guidelines: The idea behind this project is to use these movies as a platform to write what I would call a interpretive or analytical paper. Consider the movie as you would a written text. The movie provides us with an opportunity to discuss a human rights issue. Things to avoid: you should not be discussing acting, cinematography, or anything else relating to the movie production.

Film List: 

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 1. Simple Justice 


2.  Taxi to the Dark Side 


3.  The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 


4.   Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties 


Also, you can use other movie to do this. But best way is use this 4 .

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