module’s Course Project component,

For this module’s Course Project component, you will develop an overview of your multiple baseline design for your single-subject study for your Course Project: Assessment of Student Learning: Utilizing Single-Subject Design Assignment.

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To prepare:

· Review the O’Neill, R.E., et. al. (2011) course text readings for this module to gather insights and examples to support your multiple baseline design for this module’s major assessment component. Consider the topic, variables, and designs you have developed and submitted to your Instructor thus far to inform this Assignment.

· Note: Pay particular attention to all of the elements required that must be included in your submission; for example, when you identify variables and designs be sure that you include the withdrawal design. Some students overlook this part of the Assignment.

Compose a 2–3 page overview of your multiple baseline design for your single-subject study. 

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Learning Resources

Note: To access this module’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

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