Module 09 Written Assignment – Domestic Violence

Analyze the impact of intimate partner violence on the individual client.

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  • A minimum of 5 appropriate references are used. Nursing journals, Periodicals, Medical journals, Nursing reference books, governmental web sites, etc. (No sites such as Wikipedia).
  • Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and word usage. The entire paper shows detail to the topic, and the sentences flow well from one thought to the next. 
  • The topic is related to domestic violence identification, prevention, and assisting the victim with recovery. 
  • The topic is clearly introduced in the introductory paragraph.
  • The prevalence of the problem is clearly and correctly outlined.
  • Risk factors or preventative measures related to the topic are included.
  • Nursing care and referral to appropriate resources is clearly and correctly outlined.
  • The topic is clearly summarized in the closing paragraph.
  • The paper is 3 – 5 pages (excluding the cover sheet and reference page(s).

Module 09 Written Assignment – Domestic Violence

Scoring Rubric:







Criteria Week 9: Domestic Violence


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A minimum of 3 appropriate references are used. Nursing journals, Periodicals, Medical journals, Nursing reference books, governmental websites, etc. (No sites such as Wikipedia).


Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and word usage. The entire paper shows detail to the topic, and the sentences flow well from one thought to the next.

The topic is clearly introduced in the introductory paragraph. (choose a topic under the domestic violence umbrella, such as intimate partner violence, elder abuse, economic abuse, stalking, psychological abuse, financial abuse, child abuse)


The prevalence of the problem is clearly and correctly outlined. Be specific, use statistics within the last 5 years.

Risk factors that are associated with domestic violence or chosen topic

Preventative measures related to the topic are included.

Nursing care and referral to appropriate resources is clearly and correctly outlined.

Perhaps this is where students need to include how to identify a victim of abuse, especially if asked to choose a specific group, such as elderly.

The topic is clearly summarized in the closing paragraph.



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