Module 05 Course Project – Consumer Demand Analysis


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This course project assignment is focused on total economic output.  This week you will be asked to continue your research of the iPhone 6  plus.

Include the following:

  • Research and discuss how economic fluctuations affect the sale of the iPhone 6 plus.
  • Discuss what type of unemployment would result if the economies of the United States and China began to contract and why.
  • Identify  the four causes of unemployment and state whether or not any of the  causes of unemployment affect the market of the iPhone 6 plus. 
  • Describe how unexpected inflation in the United States would affect the sale of the iPhone 6 plus.

Your paper should include:

  • Title page
  • Introductory paragraph that previews topics to be discussed in      your paper
  • Each of the four topics must be at least 2 or more sentences  (sentences should read paragraphs) in length, a      paragraph should be  at least 4 or more full complete sentences in length
  • Conclusion to summarize key topics
  • In-text citations and references to include reference page
  • At least 700 words or more in length
  • APA format 

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