Module 04

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Module 4: The Problem Statement

Research is typically designed to help find and solve a problem. This section covers how to build a short and succinct problem statement that you can carry over into your research design plans. This is a MUST LISTEN for this course as this will help you complete the assignment expectation for modules 4 and 5.

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Required Reading

NOTE that some of the URLs change from time to time. If you cannot find the material identified, inform the instructor.

Generic organizational structures for service or manufacturing firms. We will provide a link to a few. You are encouraged to find others.

The Finance Process

. Go to each of these websites and look at the responsibilities (i.e., the business processes) of a Financial Department.

Roehl-Anderson, J. M. (2010). IT Best Practices for Financial Managers. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

The Procurement Process

. Go to each of these websites and look at the responsibilities (i.e., the business processes) of a Financial Department.

Pinto, J. K., & Morris, P. G. (2007). The Wiley guide to project technology, supply chain, and procurement management. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
Read Chapter 11. You can download only this chapter.

Purchasing Insight. (2012, September 23). The procurement process. Retrieved from

Procurement Practitioner’s Handbook (2012). Chapter 3: Procurement Process. United Nations Global Marketplace. Available at

The Fulfillment Process


Jiang, Z. (2017). Procurement management in the supply chain environment : Practical guide to understanding procurement management and enhancing procurement effectiveness and efficiency. Oxford: Chartridge Books Oxford. Textbook available in the Trident Online Library.

The Inventory and Warehouse Management Process (IWM)


Shmula (2012, September 23), Warehouse Management Processes, Retrieved from

The Manufacturing Process


Christian Mullen (2013), What is a manufacturing process?, Retrieved from,

IT Systems Known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Supporting Business Process. The following web sites are portals that can be drilled down to read about very specific ERP Systems that enable specific business processes. Find the systems that support the business processes discussed in references 1 to 6.  

Part 1: Discussion 

Who’s responsible?

Identify an organization you are familiar with. Answer the following questions:

Which of the generic business processes did they seem to execute?

What organizational element was the “lead” for each one?

Where there any challenges between the staff elements in supporting the lead?

Who was responsible (i.e., the lead) for the IT systems used in the above processes?

300 words

Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview


Case Assignment

focuses on understanding of common organizational business. The discussion is one from a literature perspective, not from any given organization.

Case Assignment

Paste these instructions on the cover page of your case paper, using a small font.

After reviewing the required reading for this module (and if you have time the optional reading), write a 5-page paper addressing the following questions/topics:

For each of the following:

The Finance Process
The Procurement Process
The Fulfillment Process
The Inventory and Warehouse Management Process (IWM)
The Manufacturing Process

What are they for/what is their purpose, how do they start, what activities or subcomponents are there?

Writing about ¾ of a page to cover the areas per process is sufficient.

Which Organizational Elements (i.e., Divisions such as Operations, Finance, Logistics etc.) are involved in each of the above? You may make a table to describe this (i.e., Processes on the top row and organizational elements on the left column with X’s in the squares. This would be accompanied by a short description.

How do Enterprise Resource Planning Systems specific to each of the above processes make them more effective and efficient?

Assignment Expectations

Submit at minimum a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using all of the required reading, and if possible the optional reading and 1 to 3 outside references.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will also have an introduction that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion.

Quotations should only be used for definitions so that the student can demonstrate the ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required readings.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.

Module 4 – SLP


This SLP assignment focuses on demonstrating practical application of the concepts discussed in a case. The student will demonstrate understanding of what an organization and business process are, to include describing the relationship between organizational structure and business processes. The discussion is one from a practical perspective using a specific organization as the focus of the discussion.

Paste these instructions on the cover page of your case paper, using a small font.

After reviewing the required reading for this module (and if you have time the optional reading), and using the work accomplished in the case, select a specific organization and write a 3-page paper addressing the following areas:

Pick one of the following:

The Finance Process.

The Procurement Process.

The Fulfillment Process –

The Inventory and Warehouse Management Process (IWM)
The Manufacturing Process

What did the organization call it? Was it the same name as one of the above or was it similar but called something else?

How did the organization execute it? Describe the work centers, tools, and the workflow. Were there written instructions and guidelines? Were there federal or other regulations that limited or constrained the work?

Which organizational elements were involved? Insert an organizational chart and highlight the sections management and operational section involved.

Was there an Enterprise Resource Planning system used to synchronize the process?

Note that if your selected organization did not execute the above or you don’t know how they did it, pick another process you are familiar with and answer the above.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Submit at minimum a 3-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using most of the required reading, and if possible the optional reading and 1 outside references.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will also have an introduction that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion.

Quotations should only be used for definitions so that the student can demonstrate the ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required reading.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.




Search Terms: IT Theories, Technology Acceptance Model, Task-Technology Fit, IT Success Model, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Business and IT Strategy Alignment, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Required Reading

There are no required readings for the case. The student will use parts of prior cases and SLPs and associated references for the Case Assignment.

Note: Unlike prior modules, we not going to highlight the important sections for the first five Ph.D.-level empirical research studies used in the SLP. Please read the Introductions, Background, and Theoretical Sections, and the results/findings. Do not worry about understanding the sections that are statistical in nature. However, if you are interested, contact the instructor and he will explain them.

SLP Reading

Davis, F. D. (1989).

Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology

, MIS Quarterly, September, 319:340

Taylor, S. and Todd, P. A. (1995)

Understanding information technology usage

: a test of competing models, Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144:175

Delone, W. H. and McLean, E.R. (1992).

Information systems success -the quest for the dependent variable

, Information Systems Research, 3(1), 60:95

Goodhue,D. L. and Thompson, R. L. (1995).

Task-Technology Fit and Individual Performance

, MIS Quarterly, June, 213:236

Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G, and Davis, F. D. (2003).

User Acceptance of Information Technology

: Toward a Unified View, MIS Quarterly, 27(3), 425-478

Part 1: Discussion 
Identify an organization you are familiar with. Answer the following questions:

How many IT systems are used? Just guess and also name at least two specifically.

What organizational element is the technical lead for each one and who is the process or user representative for each one?

Using one of the IT theories in the case, describe whether the IT system “works” (i.e., is useful, successful, etc.).

300 words

Module 5 – SLP


Development of the DSP Topic Proposal:

For Module 5 Case you will be required to develop your DSP topic proposal outlining the basic problem statement and research questions you intent to explore within your selected researched field-based organization. Keep in mind the following overall parameters of the DSP:

The DSP is intended to:

Enhance your understanding of your field of study;

Provide experience conducting research in your field of study;

Develop your ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate data and conclusions in your field of study;

Make a significant contribution to your field of study;

Include a thorough review of associated professional literature;

Demonstrate your ability to design and carry out an individual research project;

Demonstrate a clear understanding of basic research principles, techniques, and ethics;

Demonstrate evidence of your ability to analyze and synthesize data, as well as draw and evaluate conclusions;

Develop skills in project planning, time management, organization, and implementation; and

Show evidence of a high level of professional competence

It is important to keep in mind that the DSP is not simply another graduate school assignment. The DSP is intended to help the student develop both personally and professionally. It must be scholarly, succinct, and of sufficiently high quality to be published, in part, in a peer-reviewed journal. DSP research may be cataloged and available to other researchers—seasoned professionals and academics, as well as future students—all over the world.

Submit at least a five page assignment that contains the following information as you articulate your research topic within the proposed DSP topic:

Develop a draft of the research problem / topic within the first two paragraphs of the assignment

Develop a draft set of research questions related to the selected research problem

What is the targeted selected organization that you plan to evaluate and apply your research / operational problem to?

Articulate and elaborate the characteristics and dynamics of the selected organization and how it aligns with the proposed research problem and research questions.

Articulate what academic and practitioner based literature supports the proposed research problem and how it relates to the selected organization.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Submit at minimum a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables unless the tables are specified in the instructions), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using past readings and references.

The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will generally follow the outline above.

All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.

Module 5 – Case

Assignment Overview

Note: You must complete the SLP before doing the Case Assignment.

The student will develop a possible (mock/draft) 

Section 1 Introduction of a doctoral study that should align with your intended DSP topic using the outline provided below.

This Case Assignment focuses on using the knowledge gained in prior modules. Students may re-utilize any writings submitted before and the associated references/citations to address the areas below.

Case Assignment

Using an appropriate cover sheet, create a doctoral study Section 1 that addresses the following:

1.1 Introduction. Overview of the project – The impetus for the study.

1.2 The problem. A discussion on the organization or organizational elements that will be studied. Leadership, Management, Operations, some or all. What do they do, what is their purpose? What type of generic and specific processes do they execute in accordance with the material learned? What type of tools do they use in accordance with the material learned? A discussion of why there is a “perceived challenge/problem” in the organization (i.e., do we know there is a problem to be fixed or are we searching for one or more?). A discussion on the vision or desired end state after problem resolution – what will be more effective or efficient?

1.3 Areas to be analyzed. A discussion on which facets will be analyzed to include some or all of the following, which come from the Cases/SLP of this class:

1.3.1 The Organizational Structure, since processes and organizational structure are always intertwined. What type of structure is it? Provide a graphic of the org structure. Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.2 The vertical processes within an org structure (Management). Provide a simple work flow of the situational awareness and decision-making processes. Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.3 The horizontal processes within org structure (Product or Service Accomplishment). Describe the process in accordance with Case readings. Provide a simple work flow of the horizontal processes. Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.4 The way processes are learned. Are there formal or informal learning methods for each process? What are they? Are they optional, are they mandatory, for some or for all? Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

1.3.5 The IT systems (i.e., Enterprise Systems that support vertical or horizontal processes; decision making or product/service accomplishment). What are the tools that enable vertical (situational awareness or decision making) or horizontal process (service or product) accomplishment? Are there any indications of areas that need to be assessed in advance of inquiring through interviews or surveys?

The above would lead to the methodology section (i.e., what data for each of the above will be gathered, how will the data be gathered, from whom will it be gathered, how will it be analyzed?).

Assignment Expectations
Submit at minimum a 5-page paper (excluding cover sheet and references, figures, sections with bullets, and tables unless the tables are specified in the instructions), double spaced, no extra spaces, and 1-inch margins, that answers the questions using past readings and references.
The paper will have a proper main heading stating the name of the class, module number, and title of the paper. The paper will generally follow the outline above.
All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using APA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited. References are in APA format. All references are cited at least once.

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