Module 02 Course Project – Compliance Roles and Responsibilities

Now that you’ve chosen two compliance plans, you can better understand the role of Compliance Officer and similar positions. You are developing two compliance plans in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer.

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To help you understand the concept of compliance, use the Internet to locate 2-3 positions for Compliance Officer, Quality Improvement Manager, or related positions. Use this information to create a consolidated job description. Be sure to include requirements such as Education, Professional Experience, and Responsibilities of the position.

Then, write a 2-3 page summary of an Overview of Compliance Plans. In your overview, state the purpose of your two compliance plans for your company and how they relate to the proposed job description. In terms that every employee will grasp, explain how all employees would benefit by supporting the key elements in every compliance plan – compliance standards, high-level responsibility (for each employee), education (about compliance), communication, monitoring/auditing, enforcement/discipline, and response/prevention.

Support your job description and overview with at least three research sources outside of your required reading. You should have a total of at least five sources, including the two from Module 01. Citations in APA format should be listed in a References Page at the end.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Compliance Plan





Compliance Plan

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the institution took numerous measures to mitigate the spread of the virus among the staff and also the patients. It is sad to note that country has lost thousands of healthcare personnel which calls for each healthcare facility to remain vigilant and enforce all Covid-19 protocols without reservation. Reliable sources indicate that more than 570,000 healthcare workers have been infected while more than 3,000 have succumbed to diseases (Lewis, 2020; PAHO, 2020). This is not exceptional in our facility hence need strict compliance with protocols that have been issued by the ministry of health and also facility management to keep the virus at bay in the concerted effort to protect vulnerable clinical staff members as well as dear parents. It is worrying to note that some of the clinical staff members violate COVID protocols and measures that have been put in place by failing to wash hands between patients. Management of facility has severally pronounced itself on this matter and would wish to restate that clinical staff members must wash hands between members. This does not only apply because of the existence of a pandemic but is a cardinal principle for our operation. Considering the severe impact of Covid-19 and the fact that no cure has been established, developing a compliance plan will necessary to protect the spread of the virus in the facility among health workers and also to the members of the public. Further, this will also help to protect the families of healthcare workers and also to ensure the facility remains operational.

Finally, it has been established that medical staff members charge extra for the application of the initial cast. However, the application of the initial cast is included in the cost of the visit. This might ruin the reputation of the facility because patients could feel that they are being exploited. As a result of this, a compliance plan is necessary that guides medical staff members on what each charge entails to avoid overcharging patients.


Lewis, R. (2020, December 23). Did they have to die? How America’s Covid response left 3,000 health workers dead. Retrieved from

PAHO. (2020). COVID-19 has infected some 570,000 health workers and killed 2,500 in the Americas, PAHO Director says. Retrieved from

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