Module 01 Assignment


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Following the instructions within the document, complete the assignment. This assignment will help you to practice the concepts presented in the lecture and prepare for this module’s quiz.

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Module One Assignment

Rasmussen’s Library and Learning Services team has developed a variety of Guides to help support students’ academic endeavors. For this project, the Writing Guide and APA Guide may both be helpful. You will find links to these Guides on the Resources tab.

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Module One Assignment


Scientific Method

Instructions: Answer each question using complete sentences and in your own words. For mathematical questions please show your work, answer using the correct number of significant figures, and circle or highlight your answer. A couple of problems are solved for you to serve as models




Scientific Law

Scientific Theory

Mass and Density
Instructions: Answer the following questions about mass and density.
1. What is the relationship between mass, volume and density?

2. A 8 gram metal object displaces 2 mL of water in a graduated cylinder. What is the density of the metal object?

3. What is the mass of an object with a volume of 4 L and a density of 1.25 g/mL?

4. What is the volume of an object with a mass of 7.9 grams and a density of 1.28 g/mL?

Energy and Heat Capacity
Instructions: Determine if the results of the following word problems adhere to the Law of Conservation of Mass.
1. A chemist combines 4.9 g of hydrogen gas with 9.4 grams of nitrogen gas to form 11.4 g of ammonia. 2.9 g of nitrogen gas is remaining.

2. A chemist combines 33 g of methane with 289 g of oxygen to form 189 g of carbon dioxide and 30 g of water.

Instructions: Determine if the following chemical changes are exothermic or endothermic. Include a brief explanation
3. Ice melting

4. Water vapor condensing into liquid water

5. Baking bread

Instructions: Convert the following temperatures from one temperature scale to another. Please remember to show your work for all mathematical solutions.

37 ˚C


210 ˚F


49 ˚F


Instructions: For each word problem, find the temperature.
7. What is the final temperature of water given an initial temperature of 28 ˚C, a mass of 9 g, and heat (q) of 184 J (Specific Heat of water = 4.184 )?

8. What is the specific heat of a metal with a mass of 14.0 g, heat of 3.45 kJ and a change in temperature of 3.2 ?

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