Modern Organizations and Healthcare Week 4 Discussion
Functions of Management
Leaders have the ability to inspire. Please review the following TED talk link on “
How great leaders inspire action
Discuss what you learned from viewing this video. Why is this video important to being a manager? Share any other thoughts that you feel are importance. respond to the initial question be sure to post two additional times to peers . The initial post should be a minimum of 150 words. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.
Dunn & Haimann’s Healthcare Management: Chapters 11-16
Modern Organizations and Healthcare – Week 4 Lecture Transcript
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Welcome to Week 4-Functions of Management.
These chapters will focus on building an effective organization.
The chapters included this week are:
Chapter 11 –Fundamental Concepts of Organizing. This chapter presents the importance of the formal organization theory. This include authority, span of control of the manager, work responsibilities, departmentalization, unity of command, and coordination of management. Authority is the key to a managers success. Authority can be put in the following categories: line or positional-which is superior-subordinate chain of command, staff vs functional which is expertise and right to direct in their area, and the final is personal or charismatic which speaks to the person’s magnetism. Chain of command or span of supervision is a necessity for an organizations function. Authority is the right to give orders. What I learned working in leadership positions is that employees understand chain of command and work very well with this model. The confusion starts for an employee when a supervisor oversteps his department. Which leads us to chapter 12.
Chapter 12 -Division of Work and Departmentalization. Division of work can be referred to as job specialization. Departmentalization is grouping into units. An example would be the nursing department. Knowing organizational structure and having the ability to share the departmental organization on a chart will keep things moving in the right direction. Having a roadmap to show staff who they work for and who they report two keeps things flowing correctly in an organization.
Chapter 13 –Delegation of Authority. The title of this chapter speaks to the importance of knowing ones locus of control and duties. Delegation of authority keeps the organization running by leaders granting others to supervise. The scalar chain or chain of command is the vertical line of authority that all employees need to be aware of in the organization. The supervisor assigns duties in the organization. The amount of authority depends on the authority of the manager. Responsibility and authority are closely related. Responsibility by the subordinate is agreed upon to complete a task as ordered by the superior. Ultimately, the supervisor is responsible.
Chapter 14 –Process of Reorganization and Tools to Improve the Process. Reengineering and Six Sigma are two activities that assist organizations in quality improvement activities. Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the 1980’s. Six Sigma includes error prevention, problem solving, problem detection and managed change. In the chapter there is an exhibit that compares the medical model and Six Sigma, please take a look at it. We need to remember all supervisors are involved in quality management activities to improve an organization.
Chapter 15 –Committees as an Organizational Tool. Committees are formal groups with a specific purpose in an organization. Committees can be a standing, with a specific purpose long standing, an Ad hoc committee which is a temporary committee with a purpose or an informational meeting where a leader presents facts and information with little to no discussion. Take some time to look at the information on an effective committee, scope, functions and authority.
Chapter 16 –The Informal Organization. The last chapter for this week discusses the subsection of an organization – the informal organization. These groups are found at all levels of an organization. These groups can be a positive or negative influence in an organization. Supervisors need to work with these groups to keep things moving in the positive direction.
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What do we want to accomplish for Week 4?
When we finish this week you should be able to answer the following:
Let’s Check your Understanding.
These questions are for review only. You do not need to submit your answers for grading.
Why is organizing an important managerial function?
Describe the six principles of organizational theory.
Explain the differences between Formal Authority theory and Acceptance Authority theory
Explain the supervisor’s role when designing the “ideal” department
Describe the two contemporary approaches to organizational structure.
Describe the Scala Chain.
What is a staff organization?
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After you complete the reading for the week come back and try these fun facts on the chapters and check your knowledge. This does not count towards your grade but, it will help your learning! Good luck!