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EEEN 5304/CSEN 5304

Spring 2021

Project – 1 (100 Points)

Assigned on: February 3, 20201

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Due on: (No later than) February 18, 2021

– The more unique aspects you cover, the higher points you will earn.
– The originality of the papers, references, conciseness of the summary, etc., will also contribute to the final


– The project must be handwritten (except figures).
– Insert this cover page to your solution package.

Name-1: __________________________________________ Grade: ____

Name-2: __________________________________________

1. Conduct research on IEEE, ACM or other relevant publications about the computer
technology history as well as developments and

o submit seven different major quotes since 1950s for each decade and itemize
seven important milestones since 1940s (other than ones covered during the

lectures). (Also, submit all original complete reference information)

o study six early computer systems in terms of architectural and organizational
perspectives, submit their pictures (with complete reference info), compare with a

particular current computer system, and discuss potential anticipated computer

systems in the year-2031.

o briefly explain the following concepts: Neuromorphic computing, Zettascale
computing, Quantum computing, Nanocomputing, Edge computing, Colossus

(related to the computer architecture field), Probabilistic computing, Cloud

computing, Virtualized instruction set architecture, Sniper Multi-core simulator.

2. Develop a hypothetical architecture with illustrative instruction and data formats,
instruction sets, etc., explain the instruction and machine cycles step-by-step by

developing a short program (at least, with three arithmetic operations, two logic

operations, two memory or three I/O operations) and by indicating the corresponding

register operations. All architectural, etc., selections must to be justified


3. Conduct research on the IEEE or ACM journal articles or conference proceedings,
published within the last one-year period, about the memory concepts. Submit a total of

three-page summary for three important publications (along with the original paper

complete reference information only) on different cache memory aspects.

4. Develop a hypothetical architecture with illustrative instruction and data formats,
instruction sets, etc., and a short program (at least, with six data entry from keyboard,

data storage to two memory locations, and the “average” value calculation of the data

entered from the keyboard) to compare the three cache mapping algorithms. Indicate the

corresponding run-time register contents and justify all architectural, etc., selections


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