Mod 1 – Literature


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Write a 2-page elements of fiction essay on one of the short stories, or the poem, from the assigned readings for Module 01. Explain the following in your paper:

  1. Key historical events which influenced the piece: Expand on how the key historical events influenced the plot and theme.
  2. Setting: Why is the setting important to the story? (The setting is where the story takes place).
  3. Theme: What is the major theme or idea of the story? Here are some examples of themes you might find in literature: loss of innocence, love, loss, grief, man vs. nature, man vs. technology, death, old-age, coming of age, alienation, overcoming the odds, a hero’s quest, etc.

Note: The theme of a work of fiction is different from the plot—the plot tells you the sequence of events or what happened. The theme tells you the main lesson or message of the narrative. It is the main point that the author wants you to understand from reading the short story, poem, or novel.

  1. Also, select one of the terms to include in your story analysis from your Literary Terms Exercise in this module (Allegory, Ambiguity, Antagonist, Archetype, Diction, Flashback, Foreshadowing, Protagonist, and Regionalism). Explain how this was used in the story, with examples and lines illustrating your claims. Use in-text citations where needed.

Your paper must be written in APA format. Use the APA template from your Course Guide to complete this assignment. You should have an APA cover page; 2 full pages of essay text with in-text citations, quotes, and lines from the readings; and a References page. No additional resources other than the assigned readings are required; however, you may want to include additional resources from the Rasmussen library. All papers are to be written in Times New Roman 12 pt. font and be double-spaced.



Length: 2 pages APA formatted with double spacing and indented paragraphs.

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Introduction: Clear introductory paragraph that specifies the title of the work, the author, and the historical background of the piece and the specific elements of fiction that will be addressed in the paper. A clear thesis statement should include the elements that are being discussed.

Body: Body paragraphs which follow the thesis and specifically address the key historical events, setting, theme, and one of the literary terms from Module 01 to illustrate close reading. Quotes and lines from the referenced story or poem should be used to support claims. In-text citations should also be used after direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries.


Conclusion: Clear conclusion that restates the thesis, but does not repeat it, and summarizes the key findings of the work of fiction and poetry.


APA, Grammar, Punctuation, and Mechanics: The paper should be free of grammar, punctuation, and APA issues.








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