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You work for a tourism board at a top destination within the United States that among other tasks, sends information out to potential visitors, provides advertising for the destination, sells tickets to local events and parks, and helps drive economic growth by attracting visitors. The marketing team for your organization has decided to try and leverage mobile devices and tablets to improve information searches and retrieval for the visitors easier, as well as try and collect more information on patterns of consumer behavior. The marketing team has asked for your assistance as you are well versed in these areas.

One of the artifacts your organization produces is a printed visitor’s guide that contains a directory of local businesses, parks, events, attractions, restaurants, and much more. There is a fold-out map to help with local navigation, various coupons for local vendors, and some subscription forms for different local publications that are available for mailing, some at no charge, and others for a small fee.

It is decided that a mobile application available for smartphones and tablets may be a great alternative or possibly even a replacement for the older, traditional approach of producing these costly physical pamphlet books and materials. However, the head of the Publications Department is not convinced of the value of leveraging mobile technologies for information sharing and data gathering.

The questions they are presenting you with include:

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  • Why are mobile technologies useful to organizations in gathering data and information?
  • How might this application look? What would be included?
  • Are there any other ways that the organization can leverage mobile technologies to attract visitors, Increase ticket sales and improve the economy of the region?

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