Mobile Device & Network Analysis Response

Provide (3) 150 words response with a minimum of 2 APA references at the discussions below. Response provided should further discuss the subject or provide more insight.

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Question 1:

If you were talking to a group of seniors about mobile security, what would you tell them? 

Discussion 1:

Discuss what type of evidence can be collected from and mobile device and the processes used to collect that evidence.

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-There is a lot of information that can be gathered from a mobile device. This information includes call history, emails, text and other messages such as Facebook messenger and Skype, photos, videos, phone information, global positioning system, and network information. Things such as photos and videos generally have hidden information such as where the media was captured and what software or hardware was used to capture it. When seizing a device, there are certain considerations to take into account. Before disconnecting or transporting the device, it may be necessary to turn of auto-sync, updates and even turning on airplane mode to prevent any corruption of the data. 

Discussion 2:

There are many brands of mobile devices. Is there any difference in the way that evidence is collected from them? If so, please discus these difference.

-Because there are so many brands of mobile devices and because they can have different operating systems there is a difference in the way evidence is collected. The differences are in the way the evidence is accessed. However, what is common is if the device is plugged in to the computer files can be accessed that way. The difference is pretty much the tools that are used to collect the evidence. Again, based on the operating system will determine which tools are used to access the data and collect the evidence.

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