Week 5 Web Research Assignment: Developing Actionable Strategies

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In this activity, you will take the post-SWOT analysis challenge. A list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats makes for a business guide, but you still need to take this exercise one step further to create actional strategies and plans to improve your business. You will search examples of SWOT analysis for AMAZON and make an effort to draw a list of actional following strategies.

1. Search for and review articles, videos, and reports on descriptions and examples of SWOT analysis for Amazon to learn more about how businesses and marketers practice SWOT analysis used to analyze the internal and external factors in a business.

Below is a few examples. You must research further.””

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3. Answer the following t

Q1: Write a list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for AMAZON based on your search findings (Minimum words: 100).

Q2: What actions (s) can you take to minimize the Amazon’s weakness using the opportunities you identified above? This question is related to the weaknesses-opportunities actional strategy that improves weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities (Minimum words: 100).

Q3: Which of the Amazon’s strengths can be used to maximize the opportunities you identified? This question is related to the strengths–opportunities actionable strategy that uses your internal strengths to take advantage of opportunities (Minimum words: 100).

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