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Copyright ©American College of the Middle East, 2020

Principles of Marketing Management – MKT210

Online Summer 2020

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FTAP 6- 15% (Ch.14, 17 & 20)

Name: _______________________ ID: _________________ Section: ___

Exercise 1: Long essay question (20 points)

Differentiate direct marketing and digital marketing. Name the tools used in
each of them. (Minimum 2 tools for each one)

Exercise 2: Short Essay questions (30 points- 15 points each)

I. List 3 tools used for Advertising and give one example for each.




II. Differentiate societal marketing concept and sustainable marketing

concept. Give one example of a Brand that implements sustainable
marketing concept and briefly state how.

Exercise 3: Fill in the blank (30 points- 5 points each)

a. SO-LO-MO stands for ___________, __________ and ___________.
b. A ___________ company goes beyond caring for the needs of today’s

customers and has concern for tomorrow’s customers and the broader

c. ___________ is an organized movement of concerned citizens,
businesses, and government agencies to protect and improve people’s
living environment.

d. When companies cause their products to become obsolete before they
actually should need replacement they are accused of planned

Copyright ©American College of the Middle East, 2020

Exercise 4: True and False (20 points- 5 points each)

a Messages delivered by highly credible sources are more

b Non-personal Communication Channels include: Sales
representatives and telesales agents.

c Direct and digital marketing have become the fastest-growing
form of marketing

d The product concept recognizes that organizations thrive from
day to day by determining the current needs and wants of target
customers and fulfilling those needs and wants more effectively
and efficiently than competitors do.

Bonus question (10 points)

Propose one sustainability initiative that can be implemented by ACM.

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