For this assignment, you will begin the process of writing an argumentative essay. An argumentative essay takes a position on a debatable, controversial topic and provides evidence to support the position.

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In Unit 3, you will submit the full draft of this essay; for this week, you will simply warm up by completing some prewriting and preliminary research on the topic you pick. In this assignment, you will practice prewriting strategies, researching, and APA in-text citations.

Think about a heated conversation that you have recently had or heard regarding a current event or controversial issue. (Do not write about a personal argument.) Consider the issue and your position on it. Come up with 3 different reasons why you think your position on the topic is correct. You can select any topic you like—just make sure the topic is appropriate for an argumentative essay and related to an issue that will hold your interest when you return to this essay in the coming weeks.

If you are looking for a place to get started, access the

Opposing Viewpoints database

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in the Library. For additional information on accessing the library please watch this

Library Tutorial Video

. This database lists many potential controversial issues you can pick from. It is also a great place to find sources that contain data or other useful information that will support your claims. You will use 1 source from this search in your paper to practice quoting and citing this source in APA style.

For this assignment, use

the unit 2 worksheet

(do not submit the worksheet; it is for guidance purposes only) to submit the following:

  • Evidence of prewriting and invention strategies (such as a file that contains your brainstorming, freewriting, clustering, mind mapping, or listing)
  • A 1–2-sentence thesis statement that clearly states your position on the topic and 3 reasons that support the position
  • An outline that provides one main aspect or idea related to the selected issue for each of the 3 body paragraphs of the essay

    Note: The article you select should contain evidence that will support 1 or more of these body-paragraph points.

  • A 1-sentence quoted passage from your article, cited with a proper APA in-text citation.

    Note: This passage should contain ideas or information that would support one of your body paragraph points.

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