Management Information Systems

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1. Think about yourself, there are many roles you play in your life. Now in the class, you are a student. You are also an individual, a family member. Maybe you are also an employee or a business owner. Reflect on all the decision you have made (for example, going to school, whether to go to a party you are invited, which major to study, etc.) Give examples for each of the three levels of decision making (i.e. Operational, Managerial, Strategical decisions). Then explain how you should best make those decision (structured, unstructured, collaboration needed, etc.)

2. MS Project Exercise. Download the attached “Ch7-MSProject x” word file. Follow the instruction to complete the exercise and paste the Gantt Chart below.


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Management Information Systems

Microsoft® Project Exercise – Creating a Gantt Chart.

Background: Microsoft® Project is an important tool when planning and implementing a project. A project is a defined, goal-oriented group of tasks that have a specific beginning and end. A project can involve one person who is planning, tracking, and executing a controlled group of processes or it can be monitored and accessed by a workgroup.

A successful project will have a definite beginning and end (even though the end date may need to be adjusted as the project progresses). It will be comprised of phases: the schedule or duration, the resources (cost, people, material, etc.), and the objectives or goals.

Each time a task is completed within a phase, you can create a milestone. A milestone is a reference point that tracks progress.

In this Exercise, you are going to learn how to define a project, project phases, break them down into tasks. Create a Gantt Chart representing the expected time duration of your project.

Task 1. Defining Tasks for the Project

Each row in the Gantt Chart is one task. List the following tasks to under Microsoft Project, one row for each task.


Finish the Project Outline




Dividing projects into pieces for team member


Team member 1 Data Collection


Team member 1 Data Analysis


Team member 2 Data Collection


Team member 2 Data Analysis


Team member 3 Data Collection


Team member 3 Data Analysis


Team member 4 Data Collection


Team member 4 Data Analysis


Milestone 1: Finish Data Collection


Paper Write-up and



First Draft


Write the draft


Edit the Paper


Milestone 2: Finish first draft

b. Presentation


Prepare for Presentation


Milestone 3: Final Presentation


Paper Revision


Milestone 4: Final Paper Submission

After you finish entering the tasks, use the Indent button () on the formatting toolbar to adjust the relationship between tasks until it properly show the above relationships.

Task 2. Specify the duration for each task

Add information to the duration column

1. Finish the Project Outline

(1 day, start Oct 16, 2020)

2. Research

a. Dividing projects into pieces for team member

(3 days)

b. Team member 1 Data Collection

(5 days)

c. Team member 1 Data Analysis

(10 days)

d. Team member 2 Data Collection

(7 days)

e. Team member 2 Data Analysis

(14 days)

f. Team member 3 Data Collection

(7 days)

g. Team member 3 Data Analysis

(10 days)

h. Team member 4 Data Collection

(12 days)

i. Team member 4 Data Analysis

(10 days)

j. Milestone 1: Finish Data Collection

(0 day)

3. Paper Write-up and Presentation

a. First Draft

i. Write the draft

(5 days)

ii. Edit the Paper

(3 days)

iii. Milestone 2: Finish first draft

(0 day)
b. Presentation

i. Prepare for Presentation

(7 days)

ii. Milestone 3: Final Presentation

(0 day)

c. Paper Revision

(5 days)

d. Milestone 4: Final Paper Submission

(0 day)

Task 3. Sequencing Tasks

Specify the following interdependencies:

Research has to start after you Finish the Project Outline.

0. put the task id of the Finish the Project Outline (1) in the field of predecessors for task Research.

For all four team members, Data collection starts after Dividing projects into pieces and Data 1analysis part starts after the Data Collection.

Milestone 1 starts when all the 4 team members finish data analysis.

Paper Write-up and Presentation starts after the Milestone 1.

Under first draft, the sequence should be: Writeup the paper edit the paper Milestone 2.

For Presentation, the sequence should be Prepare for Presentation Milestone 3.

Paper Revision starts after Milestone 2 and 3, followed by Milestone 4.

Task 4. Adjusting and Tracking Tasks

1. Set the final presentation date on Dec 4, 2020.

2. Set the task completion rate of Task 1 “Finish the Project Outline” to 100%

3. Set Task 3 “Diving projects into pieces for team member” to 50% complete.

Congratulations! Now you’ve have the Gantt Chart.

List of tasks table for you to copy

Finish the Project Outline
Dividing projects into pieces for team member
Team member 1 Data Collection
Team member 1 Data Analysis
Team member 2 Data Collection
Team member 2 Data Analysis
Team member 3 Data Collection
Team member 3 Data Analysis
Team member 4 Data Collection
Team member 4 Data Analysis
Milestone 1: Finish Data Collection
Paper Write-up and Presentation
First Draft
Write the draft
Edit the Paper
Milestone 2: Finish first draft
Prepare for Presentation
Milestone 3: Final Presentation
Paper Revision
Milestone 4: Final Paper Submission

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