“Mid-Term Break” TP-CASTT

Part 1. 

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Using Poetry Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney, complete a TP-CASTT analysis 

instruction as to how to do the TP- CASTT will be in a file below along with another file that has the template that will be done for this assignment.

Poetry Link: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/57041/mid-term-break

Part 2. 

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After reading and completing a Tp-CASTT over Seamus Heaney’s “Mid-Term Break”‘ answer the following open-ended questions in FULL COMPLETE SENTENCES along with TEXTUAL EVIDENCE

*question is located in the third file

NO plagiarism

Use the below template as a way to complete a TP-CASTT analysis over any given poem.


Before reading the poem, identify what the title
could mean?

Apply the analysis to the given poem.


Translate the poem on a literal level

Apply the analysis to the given poem


Extend the poem beyond the literal level;
emotional overtones of words, poetic devices


Apply the analysis to the given poem


Think about the speaker’s attitude

Apply the analysis to the given poem


What are the changes in the speaker’s tone or

Apply the analysis to the given poem

(TITLE x2)

Look at the title on an interpretive level. What
new insights does it provide in understanding the


Apply the analysis to the given poem


What is the author saying?

Apply the analysis to the given poem

AP Lit Skill Test- Imagery

“Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney

Read the poem here and answer the question
below and questions on the following slides.

1. Which words contribute to the sensory details in this

©2020, AP Lit & More


AP Lit Skill Test- Imagery

2. How might the following images form a comparison
through associations made with the senses?

a. “bells knelling” (2)

b. “The baby cooed and laughed and rocked the pram /
when I came in” (7-8)

©2020, AP Lit & More

“ Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney

AP Lit Skill Test- Imagery

3. What does a set of images have in common so that the
images work together?

a. “coughed out angry tearless sighs” (13)

b. “Snowdrops / and candles soothed the bedside” (16-17)

©2020, AP Lit & More
“ Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney

AP Lit Skill Test- Imagery

4. What associations do the following images evoke?
a. “the corpse, stanched and bandaged by the nurses”


b. “Paler now, / wearing a poppy bruise on his left temple”

©2020, AP Lit & More
“ Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney

AP Lit Skill Test- Imagery

5. How does this poem’s use of imagery emphasize the
speaker’s personal experience throughout a text?

©2020, AP Lit & More
“Mid-Term Break” by Seamus Heaney

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