MHC-Social and Cultural

5 questions   please read instruction carefully

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Please submit a Word document.  Responses to the questions must be comprehensive, minimum one paragraph in length (minimum of 300 words each response) and supported by the literature. In addition, you may want to consider using additional resources if you think those resources will be relevant for this activity.   

Make sure you provide in-text citations (e.g., Davis, 2016, p. 149) first citing the required readings, and then additional readings if you would like to add material from other sources. This is not necessary, but it is necessary to cite often in your assignments. Then add the references at the end of the assignment – all in APA style of writing. 

Please read

In order to complete this activity, you must read PART V (CHAPTERS 14, 15, and 16 from Culturally Adaptive Counseling Skills). Please submit a Word document.

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Responses to the questions must be comprehensive, minimum one paragraph in length (minimum of 200 words each response) and supported by the literature. In addition, you may want to consider using additional resources if you think those resources will be relevant for this activity.


Make sure you provide in-text citations (e.g., Corey, 2017, p. 248) first citing the required readings, and then additional readings if you would like to add material from other sources. This is not necessary, but it is necessary to cite often in your assignments. Then add the references at the end of the assignment – all in APA style of writing. 



Please read carefully the following vignette and answer the questions below. Responses must be comprehensive, concise, minimum of approximately 200 words for each response, and be supported by the literature. In addition, you may want to consider using additional resources if you think the weekly materials and resources are not sufficient to support your work.

Ara is a 25-year-old medical student who came to U.S. in 1994 when her family (mother, uncle with his wife and children) fled Afghanistan after the Taliban took over. She and her mother lived with his uncle, aunt, and two cousins. Ara and her family are Muslims. At intake, Ara reported that she speaks fluently English and Dari although she only speaks Dari at home. Ara’s family is very traditional, they try to maintain their faith and go to the mosque very often.

Ara stated that she wanted to come to therapy for several reasons. During the initial interview, she reported that she is currently in a relationship with John who is an Irish descent who is also a medical student at Nova Southeastern University. They have been dating for two years now and John proposed her several times. However, Ara was not sure if “this relationship has a future.” Ara did not want her mother to know that she is dating John because he is Catholic. However, John has been pressuring Ara to meet her family.

Before Ara met John in medical school, she had decided to stop wearing her hijab – that provoked a very negative, strong reaction in her family especially by her uncle. They were very upset at her because she was not “respecting her values and costumes.” Ara reported that she was experiencing some difficulties adapting to her new life in U.S. and as such, she keeps most of the traditional customs from her home. She reported that people do not treat her well when she states that she is Muslim, and that this feeling increased after 9-11.

Ara also stated that she loves her mother and her uncle, but she also loves John. She is feeling anxious about this situation, does not feel comfortable lying to her family regarding her relationship with John, yet she does not want to disappoint them either. In addition, she is doubting her religion by stating that she does not feel like “a good Muslim” but does not want to be Catholic either. Hiding their relationship from her family and trying to assure John about her love for him has caused her great distress. She has lost her appetite, has concentration problems and insomnia, and she feels sad most of the time.

Ara does not know what to do and is seeking counseling so that the counselor can guide her and tell her what to do. She wants to “stop feeling this way” and wants advice regarding her family difficulties. She wants to tell her mother the truth but fears that she will lose her mother’s affection. However, she also stated that she loves John very much and that the secret is causing a lot of tension between them. She does not know how long John will wait for her.


1. Identify the presenting problem(s).

2. Identify the cognitive, behavioral, affective, and environmental components of Ara’s presenting problem(s).

3. Identify 3 three possible treatment goals, given her presenting problem

4. As a counselor, what theoretical approach and techniques/intervention would you use to assist Ara?

5. Justify your response with culturally appropriate techniques for this client.

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