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Considering the serious ramifications of scarce resources in a pandemic there remains an ethical responsibility on healthcare leadership to ensure preparedness of decision making to accommodate for scarce resources in a disaster. What type of guidance would your selected theorists provide to healthcare organizations, staff and other key stakeholders within the organization and outside of the organization as it relates to the public, so they understand what and how decisions are made.

Your target audience can be within the organization for staff or outside the organization as a public press release. The explanation must show how decisions are formed by ethical principles and will be implemented for patients where there are limited resources.

Select one of the scenarios on which to base your response. 

  • Since the outbreak of COVID-19, hospitals have spent significant time coupled with medical teams, addressing financial concerns, medicine shortages, and equipment (ventilators) to evaluate capacity and capable preparedness to respond to this outbreak.


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Organize your submission as follows:

  • Video should refer to two selected theorists and how they would respond to the scenario, including details regarding their theories and their contributions to the field of healthcare
  • Give at least one example (per selected theorist) of how you will apply their teachings to the selected scenario.
  • Include three (3) academic references following APA citation style, that support your conclusions.
  • Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly established.
  • Ensure your video has good delivery techniques, including word choice and oral expressiveness, business attire, exceptional content displayed, organization, and style, while leading the audience to a dynamic and supported conclusion.

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