MGT M12 Developing Employees through Performance Management


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Module 12: Critical Thinking 


Personal Development Plan (115 points)

Employee development is critical to an organization’s and an  individual’s success. Throughout Chapter 8, we have reviewed information  about personal development plans. We all have goals and objectives that  we hope to accomplish, which will allow us to grow and develop. It is  important that we create personal development plans to ensure that we  are working towards achieving the goals set forth.

For this assignment, you are required to create your own development  plan, which involves a short-term plan (spanning 1-2 years) and a  long-term plan (spanning 3-5 years). In both your short-term plan and  long-term plan, provide two development objectives, details regarding  how these objectives will be acquired, the timeframe associated with  skill/competency acquisition, and the type of support that you need from  a professional and personal standpoint. Consider, when developing these  objectives, utilizing SMART goals. 

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In total, your plan should incorporate four development objectives  and associated details (e.g., two for the short-term plan and two for  the long-term plan). Remember that the goals identified are your own.  There is no right answer to the goals and objectives that you have  created. Therefore, be creative in this assignment submission, while  ensuring that you utilize the recommendations set forth in Chapter 8. 

For more information about SMART goals, which can help you when  determining your goals for this assignment, please utilize this  resource:

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be  6-8 pages in length. With the exception of a title page, no citations  or references are required for this assignment. This should be an honest  assessment of your personal and professional needs. This assignment can  be written in paragraph form or it can be submitted in a bulleted  format with expanded comments. 
  • Applied  course material concepts, principles, theories and any applicable  analytical tools along with at least two scholarly peer-reviewed  sources.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.



Chapter 8 in Performance Management


Chapter 8 PowerPoint slides

– Performance Management

Hsieh, H., ∓ Huang, J. (2018).  

Exploring  factors influencing employees’ impression management feedback‐seeking  behavior: The role of managerial coaching skills and affective trust

. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 29(2), 163-180. 

Lancer, N., ∓ Eatough, V. (2018). One-to-one  coaching as a catalyst for personal development: An interpretative  phenomenological analysis of coaching undergraduates at a UK university. International Coaching Psychology Review, 13(1), 72-88. 

Sidhu, G. K., ∓ Nizam, I. (2020).  A target href.  Coaching and employee performance: The mediating effect of rewards ∓  recognition in Malaysian corporate context. International Journal of Management, Accounting ∓ Economics, 7(1), 41-72.

Part III: Employee and Leadership Development

Chapter 8: Performance Management and Employee Development

Chapter 9: Performance Management Leadership

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Chapter 8
Performance Management and Employee Development
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Personal Developmental Plans
Direct Supervisor’s Role
Multisource Feedback Systems
Copyright © 2019 Chicago Business Press

Stakeholders in the Development Process
Help plan their own development
Improve their own performance
Help guide the process of development
Support success of process
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Personal Developmental Plans
Specify actions necessary to improve performance
Highlight employee’s
Areas in need of development
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Personal Developmental Plans Answer…
How can I continuously learn and grow in the next year?
How can I do better in the future?
How can I avoid performance problems of the past?
Where I am now and where would I like to be in terms of my career path?
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Personal Developmental Plans:
Developmental Plan Objectives
Content of Developmental Plan
Developmental Activities
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Company Spotlight
General Mills uses individual development plans (IDPs) throughout the company
IDPs are created annually and focus on competencies and employee career aspirations
Company hosts speakers, providing Web-based learning tools, and holding workshops
Sessions are tailored to different positions
IDP is kept separate from the annual performance appraisal to maximize effectiveness
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Overall Developmental Plan Objectives
Continuous learning
Performance improvement
Personal growth
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Specific Developmental Plan Objectives
Improve performance in current job
Sustain performance in current job
Prepare employee for advancement
Enrich employee’s work experience
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Content of Developmental Plan
Developmental objectives
New skills or knowledge
How the new skills or knowledge will be acquired
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Content of Developmental Plan
A time line regarding the acquisition of new skills or knowledge
Standards and measures used to assess achievement of objectives
Based on needs of organization and employee
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Content of Developmental Plan
Chosen by employee and direct supervisor
Taking into account
Employee’s learning preferences
Developmental objective in question
Organization’s available resources
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Summary of list of Developmental Activities
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Employee Developmental Activities

Why are developmental programs important at Wegman’s? What were some of the benefits for Wegman’s?
What are some of the objectives of the development programs at Wegman’s?
What are some of the developmental activities included in “Upskilling” at Wegman’s?
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Direct Supervisor’s Role
Explain what is necessary
Refer employee to appropriate developmental activities
Review and make suggestions regarding developmental objectives
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Direct Supervisor’s Role
Check on employee’s progress
Provide motivational reinforcement
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Feedforward Interview
Understand the types of behaviors and skills that individuals have that allow them to perform well
Think about ways to use these behaviors and skills in other contexts to make further improvements in the future

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Steps of a Feedforward Interview
Elicit a success story
Uncover the underlying success factors
Extrapolate the past into the future

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Company Spotlight
Diageo expects supervisors to play an important role in developing their direct reports
Career development plan includes: formal review, goal setting, and regular monthly meetings
Supervisor helps identify specific development goals aligned with the employee’s career aspirations
Supervisor also help employees achieve development goals by ensuring employees receive training, coursework, etc.
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Multisource (360-Degree) Feedback Systems
Tools to help employees improve performance by using performance information gathered from many sources
The employee
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360-Degree Feedback Systems (Continued)
Anonymous feedback
Most useful when used
NOT for administrative purposes
Internet used for collecting data
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Multisource Feedback
What is the objective of multisource feedback at Philips?
Why have people at Philips reacted positively to multisource feedback?
What were some of the benefits of multisource feedback?
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Necessary Organizational Norms Include:
Openness and trust
Input and participation valued
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Is the 360-Degree Feedback System Always Beneficial?
Most effective for individuals who:
Are high in self-efficacy
Perceive a need to change
Believe change is feasible
Set goals and take action
Less effective for individuals who:
Are low in self-efficacy
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Overview of 360-Degree Feedback Systems
Advantages of 360-Degree Feedback Systems
Risks of 360-Degree Feedback Systems
Characteristics of a Good 360-Degree Feedback System
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Advantages of 360-Degree Feedback Systems
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Risks of 360-Degree Feedback Systems
Unconstructive negative feedback hurts
Are individuals comfortable with the system? (User acceptance is crucial)
If few raters, anonymity is compromised
Raters may become overloaded.
Stock values may drop
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Characteristics of a Good Multisource Feedback System
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Characteristics of Multisource Feedback system

What characteristics of a good multisource feedback system are included in this example?
What characteristics are not included in this example?
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Company Spotlight
AAH Pharmaceuticals uses multisource feedback for employee development
Steps include:
Communicating that information is only for development planning and feedback purposes
Ensuring information is anonymous & confidential
A one-day meeting about results away from the office to initiate a development plan
Six-month follow-up meetings to review progress
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Personal Developmental Plans
Direct Supervisor’s Role
360-degree Feedback Systems
Quick Review
Copyright © 2019 Chicago Business Press

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.
Copyright © 2019 Chicago Business Press
Copyright © 2019 Chicago Business Press


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