HelloCamila x

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Hello Camila,

I concur with you that the base of a good leadership is open communication. Managers communicate with team members to pass information. Open communication is important for allowing team to express their ideas through voicemail, e-mail or text. Communication encourages team members to offer a platform for innovation and motivation. Team members can be coordinated in an organization to achieve goals through effective communication. Managers and team members can express their thoughts with each other through communication. This assist then to understand one another. In addition, managers can recognize challenges faced by team members through communication and solve them.

Hello Sayman,

Psychology is important in marketing. It is used in understanding intimately before implementing any change across a department or in organization. Marketers use psychology in anticipating buyer behavior through understanding our cognitive biases. Psychology helps to build good relationship with customers. In addition, psychology is used to bring change in marketing. Marketing uses psychology in solving challenges faced by customers I concur with you that marketing takes a look at a lot of consumer behaviors from a different angle after using their products. Customers benefit from solution made by marketers. Organizational leaders uses their psychology to understand motives for decision making for stakeholders.

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