Methodologies of Data Mining

Compose a minimum 1,400-word analysis in which you include the following about Six Sigma for Data Mining:Appraise the popularity of Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), and evaluate its methodology.Construct an example of how Six Sigma for Data Mining helps manufacturing organizations.Evaluate the relation of the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) methodology to Six Sigma for Data Mining.Investigate how Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) could be applied to a manufacturing organization.Cite a minimum of 1 peer reviewed reference from the University Library and 1 reference from Chapter 3 of the textbook assigned for this course.Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.GradingIndividual Assignment: Methodologies of Data MiningPurpose of AssignmentTo create predictive models that can be leveraged for targeting specific audiences, different techniques of data mining can be approached. Industry standard processes have been well documented and are currently in use by several organizations. This assignment will allow students to identify those models and understand their purpose the processes involved in using them.Resources RequiredREAL-WORLD DATA MINING: APPLIED BUSINESS ANALYTICS AND DECISION MAKING. Dursun Delen, (2015). Chapter 3: The Data Mining ProcessGrading GuideContentMetPartially MetNot MetComments:Appraise the popularity of Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), and evaluate its methodology. 1.75Construct an example of how Six Sigma for Data Mining helps manufacturing organizations.1.75Evaluate the relation of the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) methodology to Six Sigma for Data Mining.1.75Investigate how Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) could be applied to a manufacturing organization.1.75The paper is a minimum of 1,400 words in length.1Total AvailableTotal Earned8#/8Writing GuidelinesMetPartially MetNot MetComments:The paper — including tables and graphs, headings, a title page, and a reference page — is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements..4The paper includes properly cited intellectual property using APA style in-text citations and a reference page.Cite a minimum of 1 peer reviewed reference from the University Library and 1 reference from Chapter 3 of the textbook assigned for this course..4The paper includes paragraph and sentence transitions that are logical and maintain flow throughout the paper..4The paper includes sentences that are complete, clear, and concise..4The paper follows proper rules of grammar and usage including spelling and punctuation..4Total AvailableTotal Earned2#/2Assignment Total#10#/XAdditional comments:

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