Method on Capstone

Chapter 3 will explain how you accomplished your capstone’s purpose and how your reviewers evaluated the project. You will describe what tool (minutes, transcripts, pre-test/post-test) you created to solicit feedback. This chapter you will not have citations or sources and will not discuss another scholars’ work. You will describe:

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1. The activity type selected (PowerPoint presentation, brochure, pamphlet).

2. Explanation of the selection of the content included or excluded from the activity selected.

3. Description of the selection of reviewers (expertise or stakeholders) and why they were selected. chapter describes how you accomplished your project.

Begin by describing the approach to the project you chose and why this approach was the most appropriate.

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Next, detail every step of the process.

Although this section varies depending on approach , many of the following areas typically are addressed:

  • Description of the reviewers or participants
  • Description of the project design
  • Development of instrument, tool or method for obtaining feedback (surveys, interviews, observation, content analysis)
  • Identification of themes/categories

This section should be about 3 pages and content should be separated with APA first and second level headings as appropriate.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 750 words describing accomplishment of research.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the question

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