Mental illness crime mental illness


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There has been new research conducted regarding the relationship between crime and mental illness. When working with a forensic population that also has symptoms of mental illness, it is important to understand this relationship in order to properly assist these individuals. This assignment will help you become familiar with the relationship between crime and mental illness so that you can better deliver services to this population.

Review the Week 1 Electronic Reserve Readings.

Watch the “The New Asylums” video, located in the Week 1 Electronic Reserve Readings.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of the video that describes the relationship between crime and mental illness. Include the following:

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  • Summarize the main points in the video regarding crime and mental illness.
  • Explain the relationship between crime and mental illness.
  • Describe treatment considerations for the mentally ill population in the correctional setting.
  • Describe how the prevalence of mental illness in the criminal justice system affects society.


  • Markowitz, F. E. (2011). Mental illness, crime and violence: Risk, context, and social control. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 16(1), 36-44.
  • Morgan, R. D., Kroner, D. G., Mills, J. F., et al (2014). Treating justice involved persons with mental illness preliminary evaluation of a comprehensive treatment program. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 41(7), 902-916.
  • Vogel, M., Stephens, K. D., & Siebels, D. (2014). Mental illness and the criminal justice system. Sociology Compass, 8(6), 627-638.
  • Watson, A. C., Kelly, B. L., & Vidalon, T. M. (2009). Examining the meaning attached to mental illness and mental health services among justice system-involved youth and their parents. Qualitative Health Research, 19(8), 1087-1099.
  • Zhu, N., Moulden, H. M., McNeely, H., & Mamak, M. (2013). The role of Inattention in the relationship between mental illness and crime. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 13(4), 315-325.


  • BBC, (2013). Inside My Mind: Inside Mental Illness (51:22) [Video file]. Films on Demand.
  • PBS (2005). The New Asylums (56:49) [Video file], Academic Video Online.

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