mental health

1 assignment paper, very detailed instruction. please read.

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Signature Assignment: Case Conceptualization, Advocacy and Clinical Documentation Assignment: In order to apply their understanding of a systems approach to working with traumatized clients in community settings, students will select a trauma-related topic (e.g., domestic violence, sexual assault, natural disaster). Then they are asked to write a 5-6 page (double-spaced) with references, case conceptualization utilizing a systems approach to describe the various systems impacting this community mental health client, their experience of trauma, their presenting problem, and diagnosis. Identify social, institutional, and legislative barriers this client may face. Write about how a counselor could advocate for them to be able to access needed treatment, receive equitable treatment, and experience success. Describe how if you were this client’s counselor you would help them to understand and gain access to community resources. Identify how to utilize either crisis intervention, trauma-informed approaches, and/or community-based strategies, such as Psychological First Aid, to meet this client’s needs. Address relevant legislation and government policy as related to this client’s situation and advocacy needs. Address how counselors working with this client would work in collaboration both within their agency and with other community resources. Address how the client’s needs could be met over time within the continuum of care of the mental health delivery system (for example first, hospitalization, then partial hospitalization). Include how a counselor would consult on behalf of this client. Then design personalized comprehensive treatment plan for your identified client. Then, write a S.O.A.P. note (or other type of progress note) for a counseling session with this client. Please note that this assignment does not assess the student’s ability to copy/paste from the text but requires critical thinking to synthesize multiple sources of data for a case conceptualization. Use the detailed instructions and grading rubric contained in the syllabus appendices to complete this assignment.

Grading Rubic; for signature assignment and community experience.

The student provided a case conceptualization utilizing a systems approach to describe the various systems impacting a community mental health client that has experienced a traumatic event. The student detailed advocacy efforts as well as social, institutional, and legislative barriers to treatment and how this client could access equitable treatment. The student described how counselors working with this client would collaborate within their agency and with other community resources to serve the client. The student integrates course material to augment the case example.

The student selected a primary problem. The primary problem selected represents the most clinically distressing issue. It is delineated using a behavioral/ operational definition that represents how the symptoms manifested for that client. The student included trauma-informed treatment approaches and/or crisis management approaches in the treatment plan. Components of the treatment plan flow logically from the case scenario and are appropriate for the student’s recommendation for level of care (outpatient, inpatient, IOP).

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The student developed clinically relevant long-term goals appropriate to the presenting problem(s). Components of the treatment plan flow logically from the case scenario. The student outlined at least two short-term objectives for each goal using behaviorally measurable language. There is at least one intervention for each objective. The student developed clinically relevant interventions based on the objectives delineated. Includes a description of how the student would help the client to understand and gain access to relevant community resources

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