memo writing help, due in a few hours

I need help writing a memo that is due in a few hours, I will upload the essay that I want the memo to be about, which is about improving my English, 

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also, I will upload an example of the memo and the essay that is about it 


To: Professor Nawabi

From: Mako Rutherford
Subject: Research report revision

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The purpose of this memo is to present my process of revision of an essay I wrote for a class. The goal of this paper is to compare two different franchises and decide which one to invest in. I am going to change the target audience to investors and change some information to include relevant topics. Since the purpose of this paper is to analyze two franchises and discuss both opportunities, it will make more sense to target my information towards investors. My goal is to not only create a new purpose for a new audience, but to also be informative and provide clear and concise sentences so that it is easy to read.
RHETORICAL SITUATION: The original document was geared towards my professor and college students because it was for a class assignment. I am now revising the paper so that it is targeting investors. My speech should be clear and concise and provide plenty of information on the topic. This paper is meant to discuss two franchise opportunities and informative for investors.
WRITING PROCESS: I first began revising the paper by redesigning the title page. I changed the title of the paper, the font, and included page numbers so that it looks more formal. I read over my sentences and changed some of the wording so that it is clear and straightforward. I then researched information to include about each of the companies. I provided a SWOT analysis so that you can better understand the business side of each hotel. After adding some background about the companies, I reorganized the paper. At first, the essay went back and forth between the two companies which made it difficult to follow along. I then divided it into
The first half talking about one company and the other half about the second company so that you won’t get mixed up. My goal for this paper is for the paper to be clear and concise for my targeted audience so that I can get my point across effectively.
PROGRESS TOWARDS COURSE GOALS: Through the process of revising this paper, I have learned to design my own memo through our computer labs. My goal was also to write the revised paper for a different audience, and I have learned to include different information that is relevant to my targeted audience. CHALLENGES: A challenge I had revising this paper was figuring out how to restructure it. There were problems with the way that the topics were laid out that made it hard to follow along. The paper was confusing to read because of the organization and finding a way to make it one cohesive paper was a challenge.

Mako Rutherford

HBM 280

Hyatt vs. Marriott

There has been a high demand for extended stay hotels, and there has been an increasing amount of people staying at these types of hotels. There are approximately 40,000 extended stay hotels in the U.S. and the revenues continue to rise with the room revenue in 2016 being 11 billion dollars (Schaal, 2017). Extended stay hotels are different from any other hotels because the rooms come fully furnished and includes a kitchen so that people can feel at home. Residence Inn by Marriott and Hyatt House are two widely known extended stay hotels. Hyatt House is a high-end hotel and has many of the amenities that guests would want in an extended stay hotel.

An extended stay is considered guests who stays five nights or more. A survey shows that in the U.S., 34 percent of people stayed 5 to 10 days in a hotel and 36 percent stayed 30 to 180 days. It’s been shown that people have increased their stay in the hotel with short notice. Over 66 percent of people booked their room in only 30 days or less in advance. Large number of guests traveling for company relocation and company incentive travel have stayed in extended stay hotels. Leisure travels has also had an increase in bookings as well. These include home remodeling, moving, and medical/family related reasons. Many of these extended stay booking is in larger cities that include New York City, Orlando, Atlanta, Houston, and Denver. There is also new opening in other cities such as, Cincinnati, Kansas City, and Pittsburgh due to rising demand of extended stay travelers.

Residence Inn by Marriott and Hyatt House are both well-known extended stay hotels. To open a Residence Inn, the initial investment would depend on the size of the property you want. For a smaller 80 to 110 room property, the cost would range from 10.3 million to 22.5 million dollars. If you prefer a larger property with 120 to 150 room franchise, it will cost approximately 14.7 million to 28.7 million dollars. To open a new Residence Inn, it would require you to pay of 75,000 dollars or 500 dollars per suite. You also must pay a six percent monthly royalty fees on gross room sales. There is also a monthly program service fee of .05 percent of gross room sales and 90 to 108 dollars per room per year, including a flat rate of 6,000 to 7,200 dollars per year (“Residence Inn”). The Marriott has a large presence all over the world with 600 properties spread in 112 countries. They are one of the most successful lodging company due to its focus on innovation and loyalty programs. Their biggest weakness is that the excessive focus on operational norms have lowered workers morale. There has been in increase in global travel in which Marriott can use that opportunity to their advantage. Marriott’s biggest threat to their company are other competitors, such as Hilton and Hyatt.

Residence Inn offers free WIFI, full kitchen, workout rooms, private meeting rooms, and breakfast. Marriott also has better rates for those staying long term and the Marriott Bonvoy members offers many perks as well. If you are a member, you can receive up to five percent discount when you stay at any of the Marriott properties. They offer mobile check-in which makes it quick and efficient for guests and you can also earn free nights if you redeem points through their membership program (“Marriott Bonvoy”).

Hyatt House has an initial fee of up to 75,000 dollars and to open this franchise plus 500 dollars per room, it costs 13 million to 20 million dollars. It has a royalty fee of five percent (“Hyatt House Franchise”). Hyatt is known for having strong brand portfolio that can be used to their advantage when expanding their company. Even though they are a high-end hotel, they do not invest in technology and has not adapted to its present culture. The trends we see in consumer behavior will allow Hyatt to build revenue from different categories. Hyatt, however, has not developed innovative products like many of their competitors. This will cause a threat to the company. Both hotels are known for being high-end and provides an apartment feel because many guests stay long term. Hyatt House has a modern look to the rooms and is a select service, condominium style hotel. They offer free breakfasts, spacious rooms, full kitchens, WIFI, laundry, access to gym and pool. They also provide 50 dollars hotel credit if you stay 3 nights or more. Their membership program offers extended stay rates as well. The World of Hyatt offers up to 10 percent off when you stay at any of their locations and you can earn points towards free nights, dining, and spa services (“Extended Stay”).

Understanding the two different franchises, there are many similarities. But, if you were to develop the smaller, 80 to 110 suite property, it will be less expensive and still offer the same benefits as the Hyatt House. The application is cheaper as well because you can either pay 75,000 dollars or 500 dollars per suite, whichever is greater. Hyatt House application costs 75,000 dollars plus 500 dollars per room. For the smaller property with less rooms, the total costs would be less than Hyatt House. With Marriott’s membership program, it is more likely that someone will be a member due to their 7,000 plus properties. There is greater brand loyalty with Marriott. The extended stay hotel is very popular among business and leisure travelers and its popularity has increased over the years. Because of this, we should invest in an extended stay property to meet peoples demands. Investing in a Residence Inn would not only be less expensive, but it offers a wide variety of top-quality amenities to meet guests needs. With customers placing importance in larger brands and trust in brands, Residence Inn will provide that for those that are already loyal towards the Marriott company.


Extended Stay Hotels – Long-Term Travel: Hyatt House. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hospitality Net. (n.d.). [Infographic] American’s On The Move – 35% of Extended Stay Travel Due to Relocation. Retrieved from


Hyatt House Franchise Review. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Marriott International, Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Residence Inn by Marriott. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Schaal, D., Hamdi, R., Whyte, P., Skift, & Singapore Airlines. (2017, April 26). How Extended Stay Hotels Are Pivoting Towards a New Generation of Travelers. Retrieved from


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Improving on Writing

Reading and writing skills are much important to me and I have heavily acquired them this semester. I have greatly improved in writing away from the grammatical errors I used to make last semester. I have also acquired the strengths of a good writer to addressing my points with facts and also sources. However I have also got a few weaknesses as low vocabulary use and the information as to when to get the use of different formats.

Strengths of a writer entails of the following:


As a writer, a vivid experience in the imagination is what you’re after so as to visualize a readers mind in reading.


Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. A writer must be capable of perceiving a story into many interesting ways.

Word selection

As a writer, one has to select the words that he/she is going to use. Selecting precise words will help the writer to increase the impact you create on the audience. The best writing creates a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Well selected words also appeal to the senses.

Some of the writers weaknesses and I as one include of.

A too broad thesis

Sometimes I tend to write on a subject that is so broad and I cannot adequately address it. As a writer small interesting topics can be of aid and give a good flow.

Writing off subjects

Taking some writings from my revision are abit off topic making no sense.

Word errors

I have noted not all words are used to mean one and the same thing. Which I have seen to use in writing.

As a peer reviewer, authors also tend to have their strengths and weaknesses in writing, which include of: love of writing, good grammar and punctuation skills. Some weakness include of, failing to anticipate objections, inadequate conclusion, paying attention to transition words and confusing or awkward sentence structure.

I can object to work on this semester by following and improve writing skills by;

Joining a workshop to help me improve my writing and I believe can bring great effect in my writing and developing the skills to great heights. Also practicing writing regularly so as to have more experience. As well as to this my fellow members can also take part in practicing and also reading more written documents which will gather them more knowledge and writing skills.

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