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For this assignment the student will create a PowerPoint to address the following scenario…

You are preparing an orientation module to teach incoming nurse practitioners about Medicare and Medicaid. You presentation should address the following, and language should be directed at entry-level medical personnel:

  1. Medicare Parts A: Eligibility and What is covered and not covered (2-4 slides)
  2. Medicare Parts B: Eligibility and What is covered and not covered (2-4 slides)
  3. Medicare Parts C: Eligibility and Coverage (2-4 slides)
  4. Medicare Parts D: Eligibility and Coverage (1-2 slides)
  5. Medigap and supplement insurance (1-2 slides)
  6. Medical necessity (1-2 slides)
  7. Limiting charges (1-2 slides)
  8. Process of patient registration (2-3 slides)
  9. Medicaid guidelines and eligible groups (3-5 slides)
  10. Medi-Medi (2-4 slides)
  11. Medicaid verification (1-3 slides)

Include a title and reference slide. Insure all information is referenced and cited in your slides

Assignment Expectations:

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  • Length:

    answers must thoroughly address each question in a clear, concise manner; complete answers will be presented in 19 to 36 slides

  • Structure:

    Use the tips at to create the slideshow. Because good PowerPoints have very few words, submit a script that describes the content of each slide – about 50 words per slide (placed in a separate Word document)
    Title and reference slides are required

  • References:

    Need to be in APA format on a reference slide, and cited in the slides.

  • Format:

    Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx)

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