Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy

Develop a minimum 700-1,050-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft® Word or Riverpoint Writer, based on the domestic and international target market characterization and product / brand positioning.  This communications plan will be based on the product / brand differentiation, which results from the marketing mix strategies. Thus, your paper will demonstrate how the previous assignments lead into effective integrated marketing communications with the target market.  You must include a measurement of customer loyalty and retention in your strategy document (chapter 5, Marketing Management 15e).  Discuss how the potential customer is moved through the adoption process through your integrated marketing communications components.This document should address at least 5 elements of the marketing plan (from the Situational Analysis and the Marketing Mix Strategies lists below). Make sure your topic headings through the paper clearly indicate each topic that you are addressingYou may include more than 5 of the below elements to provide clarity and coherence to your document. Situational Analysis:SWOT Analysis (Ch 1-2)Environmental Analysis and the 6 major environmental forces (Ch 3)Targeted Market Segments / STP Analysis (Ch 9)Marketing Mix Strategies:Creating and Maintaining a Brand Image (Ch 10-12)Product Design Factors (Ch 13)Pricing Objectives and Strategies (Ch 16)Push and Pull Channel Strategies (Ch 17)Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication (Ch 19)Social Media Strategy/ObjectivesAdvertising Strategy and ExecutionPublic Relations StrategiesNote: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.The plan will be a continuation of the project using your global or multi-regional business you chose in Week 1. This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. The business I have used Is Amazon.

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