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Social Media Marketing


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Social media marketing

This has become so common in the world today. Almost every company in the world has a social media account, the size and location of the company notwithstanding. These accounts are used to advertise the companies’ products and services and some of these companies allow customers to order goods or book services online. Social media marketing has been adopted as the most effective tool for digital marketing. This is attributed to the many users of social media all over the world (Marciano, 2019).

According to statistics, around 45% of the entire world population uses social media. That is 3.5 out of the entire 7.7 billion world’s population. This percentage includes people of different ages and genders. It also includes users of any social media platform. There are many social media platforms in the world. These include WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, twitter among others. Of all the platforms Facebook has the most users. That is, 69.5% of all social media users. It is followed by YouTube which has 54% users and Instagram with 28.5% of the total social media users.

This form of marketing has been seen to bring positive results to the company. This is not only because of the many potential customers on social media but also because of the diversity experienced on social media. Here it is possible for different kinds of people who may be interested in working with your company. This form of marketing also helps the company to reach the customers on a personal level. In addition to this, social media marketing has helped many companies make a brand for themselves (Digital marketing, 2019).

Social media is by far the most preferred form of digital marketing. This is because in a short time the results can be significant. It is also cost-effective and does not cost the company a lot of money. Also, consumers will respond much if you are marketing on social media. This is because people believe that a company that uses social media marketing must be a good one. Marketing on social media will also enable the company to reach a specific audience. This is because people will be on social media looking for something specific according to their tastes and preferences.

The feedback that the company gets from its customers on social media whether positive or negative is very important for the company. It enables the company to know in which direction it is moving. Certain considerations should be made when using social media marketing. The company should always post quality products on social media. Remember what you post is the face of your company and can either build or destroy it. It is also advisable to use different channels of social media in advertising. This is because different customers use different channels and the goal is to reach as many customers as possible. Also, consider that your competitors are also using social media marketing so you have got to do your best (Chris, 2020).

Social media marketing is not the only form of digital marketing that there is. There are other forms like email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, display advertising, search engine optimization among others. All these are aimed at creating brand awareness which is the most effective way for a company to market itself (Digital marketing, 2019). Al Mawarid is a company that deals with the recruitment of people who offer manpower and then providing that manpower to individuals, private companies and even government-owned companies. The company which was founded in 2012 is based in Saudi Arabia and is licensed by the ministry of works to provide manpower services in the country. The manpower provided by the company is usually for construction.

This company utilizes different forms of digital marketing. One of those is online public relations. The company has been able to maintain a good reputation that attracts both professionals aiming at being hired and companies aiming at seeking their services. They also practice content marketing. They have a strong website that contains all the information that anyone would want to know about them. They also do recruitment online through their website. In addition to this Al Mawarid uses social media marketing a lot. They have an account on twitter where they reach their clients and where they receive feedback from their clients. The company also has an account of Facebook and they are also on Instagram. They have a strong LinkedIn account that enables them to connect with potential recruits and customers.

By using social media marketing, the company also employs content marketing. This involves sharing the content of what they do, their quality of work through their social media platforms. Through this, the company has been able to remain relevant over the years and to manage competition from other companies that offer similar services. Through social media marketing, the company also uses influencer marketing. They have bloggers who write articles about the company on Facebook. These bloggers help the company to build and sell its brand to the people. The company hires from within the country and outside the country. It has clients that do not use the internet and they equally need to reach these clients. It is therefore clear to note that there are other forms of digital marketing applied by the company. These include radio and TV adverts.

Evaluate the performance of Al-Mawared company in digital marketing

According to the criteria identified


Chris, A. (2020) Difference Between Digital Marketing And Social Media. Retrieved from

Digital marketing. (2019) How To Choose The Best Digital Marketing Channel For Your Business. Retrieved from

How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business

Marciano, V. P. (2019) 10 Best Digital Marketing Ideas And Strategies To Grow Your Business. Retrieved from

10 Best Digital Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Online Business In 2024

Retrieved from

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