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In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

· Analyze the use of management styles in varying contexts to determine preferred approaches


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You are a training coordinator for Sunnyvale Insurance. The company recently added a new manager, and with new management positions anticipated, the company owners have asked that you support the company in calibrating management approaches and styles. In order to do this, you will need to develop management recommendations to send to leadership. Your work here will support leadership in both training current management and in informing future hiring decisions.

Sunnyvale Insurance

Company History and Overview

Sunnyvale Insurance was founded as an independent insurance company by Julianne and Robert Montague. They met at work selling insurance for a large chain company, and they were frustrated with working in a model that focused on making money over what is best for clients. They decided to open their own insurance company to better serve their community. The company provides reasonably priced home insurance, automobile insurance, renters’ insurance, business insurance, and small business insurance. Within the past few years, Julianne and Robert have taken a more hands-off approach in order to travel and enjoy retirement. The company has a diverse workforce and a small team that operates remotely to manage technology and customer support needs.


Sunnyvale Insurance helps clients—from small businesses to everyday people—find the right insurance needs for themselves, their businesses, and their families. The company prides itself on getting to know its clients personally and on presenting options that fit within its clients’ needs and budget.

Company Culture

The company is known for its friendly interactions with customers. It has a high level of customer satisfaction, and customers love that the representatives take the right amount of time to answer all of their questions and that the representatives seem “human” because they engage in conversation and make clients feel comfortable. Employees love the laid-back atmosphere and appreciate having flexibility in their work week. For example, there is usually no problem if someone needs to come in late after an appointment, as long as they make up the time later. But when a new manager starts, he views the laid-back culture in a negative way and implements more strict policies.

Technology and Growth Considerations

Technology is growing steadily in the insurance industry, and consumers tend to favor industries in which they can access services online. The company hopes to expand their presence internationally, and online insurance sales and consulting teams are part of the initiative. The small but diverse team includes members from all over the world to support clients in a range of hours.

Management Challenges

Sunnyvale Insurance hired Scott recently when Mary, who had been in the position for 20 years, retired. Mary was a bit lenient but very well-respected in the company and among its employees. Scott comes to the company with several years of experience managing insurance companies. He has a serious, authoritative presence. He believes firmly in a traditional management style in which people come to work, keep their heads down, and do exactly as the manager says, no questions asked. Many of the younger employees feel resentful toward Scott for his management style, preferring a more laid-back atmosphere and more autonomy.

Since he started in the role six months ago, Scott made the following changes:

· Enforced penalties for clocking in any more than one minute late

· Required that employees attend weekly meetings at 8 a.m. (the workday typically begins at 9 a.m.) on Monday to go over sales and discuss a strategic plan for the week

· Enforced strategies to increase productivity, including a significant focus on increasing sales and profit. Employees are incentivized based on how much money they make, and those who make below a certain threshold are put on a performance improvement plan.

· Increased pricing of the insurance plans offered

Scott’s communication with the both the team in the office and the online team is structured and authoritative. He believes that clarity is of the utmost importance. Remote employees report that they feel disconnected from the company and that miscommunication occurs frequently because it sometimes seems that a different message is being communicated to them than to employees in the main office.

Six months after Scott begins in his manager role, employee turnover increases and employee morale is down significantly. Customer satisfaction polls indicate a decrease in satisfaction with the overall experience. The stock market value has increased, as shareholders see an initial spike in profits. Scott sees this as a sign that the company is going in the right direction, but many employees wonder if profits will continue to increase as their regular clients see the impacts that Scott’s management style is having on the company.


Upper management has asked you to develop a management recommendations email to support management in moving the company forward. In order to do this, you should analyze the current management approach being used, identify gaps, and recommend preferred management styles and techniques that will best serve the company. Your 1- to 3-page management recommendations email should include the following:

· Introduction: Owners Julianne and Robert Montague would like you to frame your management recommendations within the context of a modern workplace environment.

· Describe the workplace environment, including technology and growth considerations that potentially impact the company’s future initiatives. Why is it important to consider management styles for their impact in a shifting workplace environment?

· Outline management traits that are valued in diverse and shifting business environments for effectively supporting employees. Specifically, provide examples of how management traits outlined would address the issues of employee turnover and low morale at Sunnyvale Insurance.

· Identifying Management Challenges: Provide background on the challenge impacting Sunnyvale’s management, and include specific examples where possible.

· Describe the influence of the currently demonstrated management styles on company culture and workplace environment, and provide at least two examples from the scenario to support your ideas.

· Consider how employees might respond to the management styles in the scenario. In turn, how might their responses impact the customer experience?

· Recommendations for Improvement: The owners have also asked that you share your recommendations for management and leadership styles. This will support them in supporting current management and in evaluating new management candidates.

· Recommend a preferred management approach. Include strengths and weaknesses as well as specific strategies to best support management in implementing the preferred approach.

· Based on the gaps you identified in manager support within Sunnyvale Insurance, discuss styles and leadership methods that the managers can employ to better support a diverse and increasingly virtual workforce. Provide examples to support ideas, and consider strengths and weaknesses of various management styles.

· Recommend techniques for reflecting on strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities and for managers to reflect on and improve their management style to best support the company and its employees. Specifically consider how managers will need to adapt their style for a diverse and geographically distributed workforce.

· Recommend resources and strategies for supporting a diverse and virtual environment, including technology for addressing the concerns expressed by virtual employees in the scenario. It is not necessary to find specific software to use; instead, discuss what types of tools the company might benefit from.

· Company Impacts: In a closing statement, briefly outline actions you would like your audience to take away from the email. Be sure to include how the company will benefit from the action.

· In the closing statement, be sure to discuss how the preferred approach and strategies will help support a more positive company culture and workplace environment, and anticipate the impact on clients and sales based on key trends.

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

Management Recommendations Email
Submit a management recommendations email based on strengths and weaknesses of management styles observed and employee feedback outlined in the scenario. The recommendations should suggest a preferred a management style and approach to support the company as they move forward. The management recommendations email should be 1 to 3 pages in length.

October 1st 2019 08:30 AM

Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Montague,

Thank you for allowing


e to provide recommendations and observations as we continue to

recover our current and future management preferences, to better serve our clients and Sunnyvale

Insurance. I believe you will find clarity of the concerns presented, while also permitting this to be a

learning experience company wide – of opportunity to rise and improve professionally and personally,

from this provisional hindrance.

Currently, the office has lost morale, resulting in a tension filled work environment. The

employees don’t seem to be as happy as they once were, and I have noticed an increase in employee

turnover. If employees are continuing to leave and the morale cannot be lifted, Sunnyvale will struggle in

reaching their future initiatives. In order to address the workplace environment and employee turnover,

we must determine the cause of the company’s drastic satisfaction decline over the last six months. Our

clients, your employees and your company’s success rely on the Sunnyvale Insurance leadership.

Regrettably, it has become apparent that leadership is no longer present, and Sunnyvale’s vision has

been omitted.

As the technology industry grows our clients want to have access to our services online. The plan

in place to better serve our clients by incorporating and developing an online insurance sales’ and

consulting team. In addition, we are planning to expand Sunnyvale Insurance internationally. Developing

an online platform will satisfy our current clients while it also allows for exposure to new clients and

future sales.

Management traits can vary from each manager as they are usually formed from our

personalities; however, there are specific traits that are valued in diverse teams like Sunnyvale’s. Some

traits are more important to have while experiencing a shift in the workplace. Traits that are significant

and would address the employee turnover and low morale are: integrity, intelligence, open to

experience, conscientious and extraversion. Those who are honest and are guided by their morals to

make good choices; are leaders who have integrity. If a leader lacks good integrity, the entire company

can be affected and criticized. The employee turnover should have been an indication for any manager

to step back and investigate the reasons why; however, leaders who lack integrity can be passive or naïve

to what should concern them or their behavior and often doesn’t deal with conflict or see themselves or

the success they’ve created as the problem. Leaders with intelligence have higher mental abilities and

can easily perform their duties; but, leaders also need to have a higher emotional intelligence in order to

control their own emotions but also understand others’ emotions, motivations and social skills as this is

a big part of being effective. If employees knew their manager cared about their emotions and

motivations; turnover would decline, and employees would feel they were truly cared about. Leaders

who are open to experience demonstrate that they are open to trying new things, are original and

typically, tend to be creative. Employees would respond better to managers who allowed their thoughts

and ideas to be considered instead of making changes from their own perspective. Extraversion

demonstrates that leaders can be sociable, assertive and energetic. This plays one of the strongest roles

in being an effective leader. If employees see their managers putting forth this energy while also being

able to enjoy their duties, employees would feel more comfortable in speaking to them and wanting to

demonstrate those same qualities. Leaders who can be conscientiousness are those who are organized,

take initiative and are persistent in their actions. If managers lead by example, employees would follow













their lead, resulting in a team filled with dependable employees who will take initiative without needing

delegation. As most of these traits vary from one another, it’s easily seen that if leaders possessed all

these traits, their efforts to leading and working with and through others, could be almost effortless and

empowering. (Talya Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, Jeremy Short and Mason A. Carpenter – 2016)

Unfortunately, the current workplace environment is filled with tension and unhappy

employees. As a result, our clients have become unsatisfied. From my own observations, I believe this is

from the difference in management styles and traits due to a new manager joining Sunnyvale Insurance.

Once Mary retired, Scott was onboarded and immediately implemented changes that affected the

employees and their job duties. As Mary and Scott both served the insurance industry and both had

many years of experience in management, it is certain their styles of management and the traits they

exhibit are completely opposite of one another. Scott has implemented a tardy rule which has never

been implemented, requires employees to attend weekly meetings beginning at 8am when their work

days don’t normally begin until 9am, created new strategies to improve sales however, results in

employees being based on incentivizes on how much money they make and those who don’t meet a

certain threshold are put on a performance plan; and lastly, has increased the cost of insurance plans

Sunnyvale Insurance offers. Scott has proven with his numbers financially he can produce the business

Sunnyvale needs; however, Sunnyvale was founded to better serve the community in finding the best

priced insurance for the clients’ needs and budgets while upholding the notoriously friendly and relaxed


I recommend implementing a transformational leadership style as the preferred management

approach. The strengths of this approach include inspiring and empowering employees, focuses on

values, emotions, ethics and long-term goals while assessing motives and satisfying the organizations

needs in a transformational course that changes individuals and can be viewed in a diverse range of

leadership roles. However, some weaknesses revealed are people needing to change and not be

themselves and the time frame available to adapt to this preferred approach. Transformational

leadership is a good approach as it allows the company to restructure their brand. A small owned

insurance business who was founded to serve the community can be rebranded and transformed to

serve internationally, to meet our future initiatives. As this development and process begins, opportunity

to correctly educate leadership and employees becomes available and during this phase leadership will

be solely invested into the employees as this process is dependent on the bond between leader and

follower. As Sunnyvale Insurance rebrands to better serve our world internationally, they also resurface

with effective leadership, empowering employees and renewing the vision and mission Sunnyvale has

previously followed, but can be revised internationally to impact any and all of those who cross paths

with Sunnyvale Insurance. (Talya Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, Jeremy Short and Mason A. Carpenter – 2016)

Styles and leadership methods managers can employ to better support a diverse and

increasingly virtual workforce is supporting employees during changes within the organization, giving

employees trust and empowering employees to adjust to the changes and contribute their ideas for the

changes. Managers will be able to hold discussions with their employees, informing them and engaging

them to interact with one another while building their trust to them and the organization. Situational

management theory is another style manager can follow to provide better support for the diverse and

virtual workforce. Managers would want to adapt to each employees’ needs but should mostly stay

apart of the Coaching and Participating leadership styles within situational leadership. Coaching

leadership is when employees have desires to work independently but do not have the skill to work

independently. As communication and trust is built because the progress and skill are improved, the

employee will slowly gain more responsibilities. Participating leadership is when employees are capable

but temporarily unwilling to adapt. These employees understand the task at hand but are insecure and

reluctant of the coming changes. Managers should support these employees and increase their

confidence by stimulating their decision making. (Mulder, P. – 2012) Each leadership style and method

will have its own set of strengths and weaknesses. As situational management theory is meant to

approach each employee differently in respect to each employee’s ability, that would become exhausting

and very time consuming as a manager over multiple employees. However, this leadership style also

allows for the employee to grow with confidence and knowledge as they are only exposed to what they

are truly capable of. Supporting employees is crucial during this time as most employees feel they lack

support and communication. During this organizational change, employees should feel they can

communicate with their manager while feeling their ideas or concerns can be addressed. Informing and

engaging employees is a strength as it provides the confidence and communication our employees need.

However, this can also be viewed as a weakness as informing and engaging employees during an

organizational shift can be time consuming, repetitive and leave room for uncertainty especially if

answers or information has not been fully provided. (Mulder, P. – 2012)

Resources and strategies for supporting a diverse and virtual environment is to fully

communicate the organizational goals and changes to all team members. The virtual team should be

included in all communications or changes taking place in the office setting while in office members are

communicated with about the same for virtual members. Virtual teams and in office teams should be

introduced to one another physically early on. Communication is key and clarification of all duties and

tasks must be understood. Adapt weekly meetings to be done by video conferencing in order to make

things easier but also make room for a more normal approach for virtual team members. Video

conferencing allows for a “face to face” conversation where members can engage in conversation and

connect personally according to tone and body language. Managers should commit to one on one

interactions and performance or coaching interactions for virtual members as they would for in office

members. The same language should be used with virtual members and in office members to establish

consistency across the entire team. (Watkins, M. D. – 2013)

Using the preferred management approaches supports a positive company and workplace

environment as it strengthens the trust and support in the Sunnyvale Insurance employees. It provides

an honest and meaningful approach of change for the organization and its employees. This approach

provides inspiration and empowerment to employees, personally and professionally as they feel

important and involved in their organization. When the employees are satisfied, the clients are satisfied,

and then our shareholders are satisfied; which results in success for Sunnyvale Insurance and our plans

of future initiatives can be achieved.


Talya Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, Jeremy Short, and Mason A. Carpenter. (2016). Principles of

Management. Boston, MA: FlatWorld

Mulder, P. (2012). Situational Leadership Model (SLM). Retrieved [insert date] from ToolsHero:

Watkins, M. D. (2013). Making Virtual Teams Work: Ten Basic Principles. Harvard Business

Review Digital Articles, 2–5. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-


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MGT-20127-XA125 Management Styles 21DA01

Walter Jofre Jr.

April 20, 2021


To: Mr. and Mrs. Montague,

From: Training Coordinator

Date: 16/04/2021

Subject: Recommendation for change of Leadership Style

The current situation in the office is that the employees have lost morale due to the tension-filled working environment. However, recommending the operational approach could best enhance staffing, controlling, and leading the employees even though the approach might fail due to lack of cooperation. It is like the employees are not happy with the current leadership, which will affect their ability to perform as expected. Employing the case approach management recommendation will dearly help address the problems that the former leaders experienced. There is no proper determination of the appropriate depth of the problem in the case management approach. Therefore, the current situation negatively affects the company’s performance, which requires adequate management approaches with limited shortcoming. It will only be possible to address the issues after understanding what affects the employees and the necessary changes, thus enabling them to be comfortable at work and hence be able to deliver the services effectively.

Furthermore, adapting to the new technology for communication is convenient and cheaper than when the clients visit the company to serve them. Most of them prefer online services, and thus, the company should upgrade and embrace the use of technology to boost customer services. Additionally, providing services online is that it makes it possible to get to more customers within a short time. In need of the company to expand to other nations, it is ideal for the company to employ technology to ensure successful interaction with more customers from various.

Different leaders have multiple leadership traits and depend on how the leader executes his or her duties, thus determining whether the employees will be motivated. Significantly, managers should employ their leadership skills by practicing non-biasing communication, problem-solving, and integrity, among others, to ensure that it will encourage them. Effective communication in an organization is the key to success, and thus employees will deliver because they can discuss issues affecting them freely. Leaders who are creative and with integrity are in a position to execute their duties so that the employees will be motivated, thus enabling them to carry out their roles effectively. In essence, the organization’s manager should lead by example, and the employees will emulate them.

There are several leadership styles favorable for the company’s management, which includes a persuasive management style that allows inviting questions and discussion with team members based on the decision-making process. Also, the consultative management style will have the policies and decision-making process to rest upon the managers. The consultative approach has the drawbacks of being costly, taking time to reach a decision, and delaying implementing the crucial changes. Therefore, I will make the recommendation that the company’s leadership style should transform whereby the manager should utilize the above styles for the organization’s performance. With the leadership styles, the manager will empower the employees, and as a result, they will be motivated and comfortable to work for the success of the organization (Demirtas & Karaca, 2020)

Improvement requires a myriad of activities performed, and it is recommendable to apply them for the success of an organization. Focusing on the management approach, I recommend the managers understand clearly and conduct research, hence boosting the organization’s leadership. The approach further ensures that the employees are empowered, and thus they can decide on the best way to handle the tasks assigned to them within the organization. Focusing n the technological resources, the company should train the employees on using the advanced machines within the organization. There are those resources that need to be made available for the employees. Some of them include advanced medical services, using protective wears when performing operations, and providing medical cover for the employees.


Demirtas, O., & Karaca, M. (2020). A Handbook of Leadership Styles. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

1) Recommendations for Improvement: Recommends resources and strategies for supporting a diverse and virtual environment, including technological resources that address employee needs.

Criterion Feedback

4/22/21 – You’ve discussed using protective wear and providing medical covers for employees but it is unclear how those items can be used for addressing the concerns expressed by virtual employees. What are at least technology resources that can be used for addressing concerns expressed by virtual employees? For example, Zoom is a great tool to use to communicate with virtual workers. Please refer to the project Directions and the Internet.

2) Company Impacts: Discusses how preferred management approaches will support a positive company culture and workplace environment

Criterion Feedback

4/22/21 – How will the recommended approach and strategies support the company culture and impact clients and sales? This response is to be included in the closing paragraph. Please refer to the project Directions.

3) Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling; shows understanding of audience and purpose

Criterion Feedback

4/22/21 – This criteria is reviewed per submission.

4) Lists sources where needed using citation methods with no major errors

Criterion Feedback

4/22/21 – You’ve listed a resource in your paper. What other resource can be used to support your work? To meet this criterion, list of sources (more than one) is needed (cited and listed in your reference list), as these factors must be in alignment.

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