Management Information Systems

Your assignment will ask several questions. Apply the exercises to supplying a response. Generally, each statement requires three pages (single-spaced), not including a bibliography and screenshot, in an appendix. Each paper is to use APA standards.

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· Research the use of relational databases in social media marketing by using these resources. Compile these resources into a three page, APA formatted commentary, which answer the elements in part ©, below. (Bibliography included)

· Hoffman, Fodor. Can You Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing? MIT Sloan Management Review. Fall 2010. Get access to it through the link here,

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· How Relational Databases Work.

link here

· Comment upon a recent social media campaign which you have experienced, personally.

· What was the subject of the campaign, and by whom?

· What venue did the campaign use (instagram, facebook, google ads, etc)

· What language, messaging, or other communication techniques did it use? Why, do you believe, did this marketing communication arrive in your online experience, or be shown to you?

· What data did it attempt to collect from you?

· What actions did it prompt you to take, or how did it try to compel you to act, in relation to the brand?

· How impactful was the campaign, in compelling you, as a consumer, to act?

· Did the marketer learn more about the demographic it targeted? If so, how, or why not?

· Assume the campaign targeted several groups, and how did it spur them to respond. How did it measure its impact?

· Did you observe any advertising technology, used by the campaign? What tools did the campaign appear to use, to analyze the viewer?

· Research the concept of the relational database schema. What would the database schema look like, for this project?


1. Introducing Relational Databases. Video,

2. Video #2, demonstrating how to work with SQL-driven, relational databases.

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