
 Critically evaluate your learning teams work of Part 1, outlining the strengths and weaknesses/limitations of the frameworks and ideas used in the group part. Please assess the people management strategy through your reflections. You may either use other literature to strengthen your case or apply the ideas to your own/other organizations not discussed in Part 1. • The length of Part 2 is approximately 1000 words, including the (academic) referencing and other appendices. 

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Mission statement: To help our clients and our people excel. We are one of the lead business advisory organisations

Vision statement: To be the standard of excellence, first choice of all the most sort after clients and talent

Core values:

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1. Commitment to each other

2. Integrity

3. Outstanding value to clients

4. Strength from cultural diversity

Our Aims


Greater employee relationships and engagement

· Use technology to have a more fluid workplace across country lines and domestic locations

· Increase standard of employee productivity

Aim 1 – greater employee relationships and engagement

· Key objectives – raise the culture of inclusivity, diversity and equality; more in-depth and larger relationships built in the company across departments and levels of management


Indicative measures of success – Increased diversity profile of staff promoted into senior roles, more cross department collaborations, turnover rates

Aim 2 – create a borderless organisation

· Key objectives – use technology to have a more fluid workplace across country lines and domestic locations, offices in more countries, one interconnected system of telecoms

· Indicative measures of success – more acquisitions and mergers, new markets are entered, more collaboration across cities and continents

Aim 3 – Increase standard of employee productivity

· Key objectives – develop a clear understanding of what high performance is to each department, clear approach to identification and development of talent

· Indicative measures of success – Turnover rates, number of internal promotions


There are many trends that are conspiring in the world of work, that will directly affect individuals, organisations and institutions. The different types of trends that are occurring are distribution of population, social changes, service sector increase, technology and more generational diversity in the workplace. We currently live in a world where technology and its applications move at a very fast pace and this can have both adverse and positive impacts on society and the economy. For example, allowing new industries and markets to emerge or causing industries to become obsolete. To thrive in such a world and lead in the markets, individuals and services must innovate equally to maintain pace to prevent replacement in such a market. This is especially true for the service industry, where processes have been streamlined and become more efficient due to technological advancement. The bigger the company, the more impact the ever-changing technological landscape will have on business affairs and Deloitte are a very good example of this.

To ensure that the strategies enforced by the company are in line with their goals, the implications that are faced must be identified and addressed both from organisational and individual perspectives. Individuals may face increased use of technology leading to lack of interpersonal skills, reduction in jobs, inequality, alienation and disintegration. Organisations will experience greater investment in cyber security, adaption to new technology, more employees working remotely and greater ease in expansion. The greater understanding of the problems at hand will make sure that all parties will feel that their worries have been addressed and questions answered. If employees and employers are all feeling appreciated, the efforts made at work will be more meaningful. The environment created at work will be a key determinant to optimal and efficient work, which benefits the business greatly.

People Management Strategy

Deloitte’s mission statement is “To help our clients and our people excel. We are one of the leading business advisory organisations, “ADD CITATION. The theme of this seems to be a conscious effort to be the best option for all stakeholders in the business industry that are seeking help for a third-party firm. The vision statement follows, “To be the standard of excellence, first choice of all the most sort after clients and talent,” ADD CITATION. The point I made prior is reiterated in the vision statement. They hold they quality of their talent and clients as the most important factor to direct them in their business ventures. The values that which to seek out in their employees are stated in the company’s core values; these include commitment to each other, integrity, outstanding value to clients and strength from cultural diversity ADD CITATION. These key areas of mission statement, vision statement and core values help to better tailor the following strategy to remain in line with what Deloitte has represented in the past and what the future has in store. Keeping in mind the issues that have been identified and those intended to be addressed in the paragraph prior, three main aims have generated. The first aim is foster a greater employee relationships and engagement. The second aim is to create a borderless organisation, that can be reach all corners of the globe. The final aim is to increase the standard of productivity of every employee. This includes consultants, new employees, third-party contractors and original employees. The first aim pointed out, is to have greater employee engagements and relationships. The one of key objectives which allow Deloitte to achieve this aim is raising the cultural of inclusivity, diversity and equality. This can be done by adopting a more in-depth and larger relationships built in the company across departments and levels of management. The indicative measures of success increased diversity profile of staff promoted into senior roles, more cross department collaborations, turnover rates. The second aim is to create a borderless organisation. The first objective is to use more standardised technology across the whole firm to have a more fluid workplace across country lines and domestic locations. This could be a more interconnected use of telecoms across all offices. The indicative measures of success for this particular aim are more acquisitions and mergers, new markets are entered. The increase market share accumulated by Deloitte will give them a greater scope of the market, which inevitably increase profits. The objective of further collaborations across cities and continents is therefore a consequence of the others. The final aim is to increase the standard of productivity for every employee. The key objectives are to develop a clear understanding of what high performance is to each department, also a clear approach to identification and development of talent. The indicative measures of success for these objectives represent themselves as fall in employee turnover rates, more internal promotions, furthermore an increase in the range and quantity of projects undertaken by each employee per calendar year.

Talent Sourcing

The current trend of the growing advancements in technology, may reflect the increased use of new software and hardware in the workplace. This may mean that a growing selection of candidates that are employed by Deloitte, may need to do have a bachelor’s degree from particular disciplines or prior experience with these types of technology. These types of people may be able to keep up with growing demand for improvement and the general need for outstanding expectations on a consistent basis. This implies greater and more in-depth tests when searching for the ideal employee for the role that is vacant. This will cost much more to issue the correct psychometric tests and improve the lines of questioning in the interview stages. A trade-off between those two factors will need to be handled with special care. These are to provide a system that is streamlined enough to keep the interviewing stage short, but comprehensive enough to pick the correct applicant. In the long run however, they will help to increase productivity so much that the increased costs for recruiting talent is offset. On the other hand, the better technology used could improve the quality of candidates that are selected. This could create a much-improved environment for work, the individuals have the necessary soft and hard skill sets to excel in the role. Furthermore, a limit may need to be establish in regard to the quantity of jobs that can be outsourced to artificial intelligence or kept for human labour.

PML Group Assignment – Critical analysis of the implications of the designed people management strategy on career management (Technology)

Due to the ever-changing technological advancements in the world of work, lifetime employment is no longer common, as people increasingly opt to have several careers (Schuler and Jackson, 1999). Thus, it could be considered that career management has increased benefits to both the individual and the organisation, which include employee engagement and improved performance in the form of increased productivity. Owing to the evolution of technology, human resources are able to better utilise analytics to highlight different options for career mobility. This can be achieved by mapping careers through the use of chronicled data, that similar and previous incumbents have pursued, giving employees reasonable options for their own future career paths. However, it might be argued that the quality of employee data regarding career progression would need to be improved considerably to truly enable this approach (DeStefano and Bidwell, 2019). This method of career management will be of value to the people management strategy as the creation of transparent career pathways and progression will encourage stronger employee retention. On the opposing side, it creates a possible rise in rigid career choices. Nonetheless, having clear career progression pathways for employees to follow is likely to result in higher organisational and individual performance, thus meeting the company wide objective to become the standard of excellence for the most sought-after clients and talent.


These are the efforts put in by the company to manage and sustain the relationships between the employers and its employees. Good rapport and relationship building paves way for fair and just treatment to all the employees working thereby bring out commitment and loyalty to their firm. There are certain pillars of maintaining employee relations that should be taken into consideration by the companies in order to maintain growth and image in the market. These include:

· Open communication

· Show recognition

· Constant and regular feedback

To sum it all up, build a culture inclusivity and diversity across various departments and different levels of management in order to create a happy working environment. One way in which the employers can create a sense of security among its employees is by paying heed to the complaints of its employees and having an unbiased redressal mechanism for the same.

Employer-employee relations can also be enhanced if companies stop micromanaging and don’t play blame games which may ultimately demoralize the people working and may lead to a ruckus. The long-term vision and the goals should be defined in a proper way so that employees work towards achieving the company’s target and care should be taken to create an exemplary working environment in order to increase employee’s productivity.

Talent development

Talent development refers to the opportunities created by various firms to develop their organizations ability to develop ideal employees based on their requirements and help making an employee an asset to the firm. Skill development can be increased by providing adequate training and research platforms which would in turn bring a positive return on investment quotient. Technology in talent development plays an important role in terms of efficiency. It has also created a lot of skilled jobs like AI engineers, DevOps, social media consultants, roles that didn’t exist some 5-10 years earlier. The HR department needs to make its employees aware about the technological development at workplace which might bring in staggering outputs and profits.

Talent development brings everyone on the same platform which reduces the weak links within the company and reduces dependency on each other to complete basic work tasks. There are many ways in which talent can be developed in an individual if the employees concerned are well acquainted with the priorities of the organization and the actions are in line with the objectives. Development also leads to the growth of an individual which ultimately helps the organization to function effectively and efficiently.

Employment Law

Changes in the organisation of work caused by technology challenge the current labour legislation. Based on the proposed strategies, to some extent, the more flexible workplace could undermine transparency and predictability of employment conditions for some employees. There are several considerable rights should be included in the employment contract on access to protection for employees (Servoz, 2019):

· The right to access to more complete information on the fundamental situation of the work, in written form, to be received by the employees in advance, at the latest on the first day on job;

· The right to be informed a reasonable explanation and period in advance when the workplace change;

· The right to request to transfer to another more secure workplace in demand;

· The right to receive appropriate training freely that the employer has a duty to provide;

· The length of the probation period should be restricted at the beginning of the job (such as no more than 3 months).

In addition to the employment conditions, health and safety at work also should be concerned. With the technology developing, employer could track the employees easily to improve productivity, which would increase stress and negatively impact on mental health. Therefore, employees entitle to report to HR department when they are under lots of pressure from work, to protect their mental health.

Performance management

Performance is a way of measuring which company goals are achieved and on what level, affecting the employees’ perspective on what they should focus on and in what way they should work. (CITATION) Having in mind that performance is a result of many factors within a working environment such as will, motivation, understanding, it is obvious that the use of technology will undoubtedly help towards building a stable, trusting culture enhancing the relationships among employees of different positions and backgrounds. Additionally, the dynamic process of going borderless and introducing an interconnecting system between different countries will definitely boost motivation across all departments, leading employees to work more flexibly and eagerly for a certain task. All the above can be easily done if one of the keypoints of performance is applied; the strategy of employment should be based on having people aligned with its main values and make sure they fit for purpose. Working that way, every Deloitte person should be trained to have a clear image of company’s objectives. It should be profound that their performance is going to be measured – through turnover and productivity rates – and that the company will make sure that they will be rewarded or promoted when achieving a precise target, enabling them to self-improve their working behaviour.


DeStefano, F. and Bidwell, M. (2019) Career Management Isn’t Just the Employee’s Job. Available at: (Accessed: 18 January 2020).

Schuler, R.S. and Jackson, S.E. (1999) Strategic Human Resource Management. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Limited.
Servoz, M. (2019) ‘The Future of Work? Work of the Future!’, European Comission Report, , p. 160. Available at: 10.2872/50454 (Accessed: 20 January 2020).

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