Make an introduction of Money Markets Report

Finish the introduction part, The requirements are in the attached word【plan requirements】.

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And the attached word is my group current report, please follow the format and write the introduction.

At least one and a half of page.It is a report so in the end please add references.

Each group should consider researching:


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Explain: What is the market that you researched and what is its



How was the market affected by the crisis?


Were any safeguards in place? Regulations


What safeguards were in place? Regulations


Was the market previously regulated and later



What were the warnings?


What role did the Federal Reserve play?


Expand on any key players involved

If your group is researching the Federal Reserve:


Explain the purpose of the Federal Reserve


Explain the role of the Federal Reserve in the financial

meltdown of 2008

What safeguards were in place? Regulations

Examine the policies used by the Federal Reserve before the great

recession of 2008 and compare to those developed after


Were any of the markets previously regulated and later

What were the warnings?
What role did the Federal Reserve play?
Expand on any key players involved

Paper Format:

For the Project Report and Executive Summary, please use 12-point font. Double-space,

excluding bibliography page(s) and Appendices page(s). One-inch margins. Use APA style of

citation. You must cite all sources. Ensure that you have some scholarly sources (Cite at least 3

different sources). The other sources of information for the project should be the internet, library

and statistical data.


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Financial Markets and Institutions


I. Executive Summary

II. Introduction

III. Money Markets

A. Money Market Functions

B. Money Market Instruments

C. Safeguards and Regulations

D. Key Players in the Money Market

E. The Role of the Federal Reserve

F. Money Markets and the Financial Crisis

IV. Conclusion

V. References


The Money Markets is an essential part of the financial system that stimulates the growth and development of the economy of a nation. The Money Market Report aims to introduce the Money Market as a part of a broader financial system. The Money Market Report will also outline its functions, instruments, safeguards and regulations, key players, the role of the federal reserve, as well as the impact the financial crisis played in the Money Market.


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Money Market Functions

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Money Market Instruments (Kristian H.)

Money Market instruments are unsecured debt securities with a maturity of less than one year that are used to raise capital for financial institutions, businesses, and governments. Money market instruments are short-term, and appeal to investors because they are highly liquid, low-risk, and provide many options to cover finances suited to meet specific needs. There are many types of money market instruments that differ in levels of maturity, risk, type of currency, and overall structure. Common types of money market funds are generally invested in instruments such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, bankers acceptance, and repurchase agreements.

Treasury Bills: Treasury bills (including notes and bonds) are fixed-income investments issued by the U.S Treasury for maturities of up to one year. They are considered one of the safest and lowest risk money market instruments because they are backed by government guarantees and have one of the lowest interest rates of any fixed security. Treasury bills are sold at a discount and the interest rate represents the difference between the face value and discount purchase price. Treasury bills are purchased by banks, brokers, dealers, pension funds, investors, insurance companies and other institutions to finance needs such as federal government deficits and other activities.

Certificates of Deposit: Certificates of deposits (CDs) are generally issued by commercial banks or brokerage firms through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to raise short-term cash. Unlike other short-term money market instruments, CDs can be sold with terms ranging from one month to up to 10 years, and rates remain unchanged for the duration of the period. Funds that deposit into a CD often pay higher interest rates the longer the cash is held but also attracts a penalty to withdraw funds early.

Commercial Paper: Commercial paper are unsecured loans used to finance short-term cash flows such as accounts payable and inventory. They are issued by large organizations with outstanding credit and considered a safe investment. Commercial paper is issued in $100,000 denominations and has maturity dates ranging from one to nine months.

Banker’s Acceptance: A banker’s acceptance is a short-term loan issued by a firm and guaranteed by a bank (the bank accepts the responsibility for the payment). It is commonly used in international and foreign trade and serves as a guarantee to ensure that importers can pay for goods received from exporters. A banker’s acceptance generally matures within one to six months from the date of issue and the holder of the acceptance can sell it on a secondary market for profit on the investment.

Repurchase Agreements: Repurchase agreements are short-term collateral loans that involve selling securities with an agreement to repurchase the security at a later date and higher cost. They have maturities ranging from as little as overnight to 30 days or more with very little added interest. Repurchase agreements are often used by organizations such as The Federal Reserve who use them to regulate bank reserves or the money supply.

Safeguards and Regulations

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Key Players in the Money Market

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The Role of the Federal Reserve

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Money Markets and the Financial Crisis

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IV. CONCLUSION (Veronica S.)

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