Main factors affecting the effect of celebrities’ sponsored posts from the consumers’ perspective.

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Thema / Topic





Main factors affecting the effect of celebrities’ sponsored posts from the consumers’ perspective.

1.What kinds of personal trait do social media influencers possess which will attract the attention and willingness of
consumers to purchase goods and services?
2.What impact of brand attitude does consumers have on the attention of Influencer Marketing?
3.What are the most effective Influencer Marketing strategies for increasing willingness of consumers to purchase goods
and services?

In the internet era, the information sharing mechanisms of humanity are equivalent to the new type of purchasing
behavior (Owyang, 2014). The influence of community sharing has penetrated various online social platforms. When
everyone’s contacts become accessible, individuals can easily get goods and services from each other, not merely
through retailers and enterprises. Therefore, personal sharing can create business.
People can’t be without their mobile phones in the modern world. In other words, they can’t do anything without
community websites. They are always receiving social media information while waiting, or even eating.
In this age of the Internet, social media influencers have a certain influence, and this study wants to explore the impact of
brand attitude on advertorial marketing from the audience perspective. From the perspective of audiences, which a kind
of trait in advertorial marketing are the most effective and most acceptable to consumers.
At the moment, the most widely known of Influencer Marketing is that social media influencers share experience on
social media. By cooperating with vendors to write product trial articles, sharing the use of products or after-effects with
fans on their Facebook and Instagram through daily life to catch the audience’s attention naturally. Before this change,
only texts and photos were available for reference in the past.
For enterprises, especially those who do n’t have enough budget for a commercial advertisement, they will try
placement marketing. Social media influencers not only introduce and promotes products but also increases the
discussion of products in a cost-efficient manner.

Julia Daufenbach

Forschungsmethodik / Research Methodology

Art des Ergebnisses (z.B. Berechnung, Typologie, Bewertung,
Handlungsempfehlungen)/ Type of Result (e.g. Calculation, Typology, Evaluation,
Recommendations for Action)

Theoretische Annäherungsweise / Theoretical Approach

Regarding Influence marketing, it’s important to know more about the historical background of placement marketing.
Especially in the past when social media was not as widespread as nowadays. The research will also be included in
these theories: internet celebrity, sponsored post, familiarity, expertise, brand attitude, Ad attitude, social media
marketing, word of mouth and AIDA. According to AIDA model, the process of costumer behavior after costumer reach
the AD, it representative of attention, interest, desire, action. Premeaux(2007) believed that the Influence marketing have
huge impact of attention and interest of process.

For question1 and 2, I would like to know what kinds of personal trait do social media influencers possess which will
attract audiences’ follow? In addition, doing research on the brand attitude of influencer marketing from the
consumers’ viewpoint. It would be better to use group interview to know customers’ opinions, there would be more
than 5 participants who have experience purchasing goods on social media to join and discuss 5-7 open questions to
inspire creative thinking.
From question 1 and 2, I might find out the key factors that affect the attention and willingness of consumers to
purchase goods and services. To further explore this topic, I would like to know what are the most effective strategies in
question 3. In order to get the non-numerical data, qualitative research will be used as the logical method of observation.
Moreover, quantitative analysis can change some of the unspecified and fuzzy factors into specific data that I can
analyze and compare.

Though this research I would like to know main factors affecting the effect of celebrities’ sponsored posts.
Nowadays, consumers are accustomed to searching for reviews before buying, and they also make purchasing decisions
because of social media influencers’ sharing posts. The research could be a reference for enterprises to choose their
cooperation partner. On the other hand, also can benefit customer to clarify influencer in which personal trait have high

Hiermit erkläre ich, dass das vorliegende von mir erstellte Werk mein eigenes ist, und
dass ich keine anderen Materialien außer den zitierten verwendet habe.

I herewith declare that the following work I have prepared is my own without the use
of materials other than those cited.


Literatur / References

Struktur der Arbeit / Structure of the Thesis
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Research Question
2.Literature Review
2.1 Social Influencer Marketing
2.2 Placement Marketing
2.3 Social Media Marketing
2.4 Internet Celebrity
3.1 Research Design
3.1.1 Group Interview
3.1.2 Quantitative Research
3.1.3 Qualitative Research
3.2 Data Collection
3.3 Data Analysis
3.4 Conclusion of Methodology
6. Limits And Further Research Areas
7. References

WILL KENTON (2018). Product Placement. Retrieved Feb 17, 2018. From:
Hanna Górska-Warsewicz and Olena Kulykovets (2017). Product Placement as an Effective Tool for the Brand
Positioning. Retrieved November 8th 2017. From:
Shona McCombes.(2019) How to create a research design. Retrieved June 13, 2019. From:

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