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The Transcultural Nursing Care Theory of Madeline Leininger

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Transcultural Nursing Theory Articule #1

Leininger, M. (1994). Quality of life from a transcultural nursing perspective. Nursing Science Quarterly, 7(1), 22-28.

Leininger explains her belief in this article that the quality of life is derived from her theory of culture care diversity and universality. She tries to demonstrate how medical attendants should adopt a transcultural nursing perception in improving the quality of life as compared to how it has been perceived in most of the traditional and patterned descriptions. She talks about the five cultures that she says when appropriately incorporated in nursing care, a more advanced discipline and profession of culturally constituted care patterns will be attained. These cultures include: Mexican Americans, Philippine Americans, Anglo-Americans, Gadsup of New Guinea and Native North Americans. The article delved more on universality rather than diversity (p 26). 

It is complex when one tries to understand the quality of life, and thus, different approaches of culturally patterned care are used to describe the conditions and expressions of humans. The symbolic, expression and meaning referents in most cases are influenced by diversity in humans. According to Leininger, the quality of life should be understood from an inside culturally patterned establishment in order for the results to be accurate and reliable (p 28). The underlying challenge existing in nursing practice is to help health care providers distinguish and identify the inside and outside patterned expressions and meanings linked with the quality of life to help nurses make sound treatment decisions, behaviors and counseling. 

In summary, the article revealed that the quality of life is in a large part described by culturally patterned and articulated through our way of living as well as the prevailing cultural ideas. Leininger concludes by stating that, what determines the quality of life is not universal. However, further research is needed to validate and understand more the meaning of quality of life.

Transcultural Nursing Theory Articule #2

Nashwan, A., & Mansour, D. (2015). Caring for a Bedouin female patient with breast cancer: An application of Leininger’s theory of culture care diversity and universality. Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 2(3), 1-6.

In this article, the transcultural cultural theory as developed by Madeleine Leininger shows how patient care should be administered based on one’s practices, values, and cultural beliefs. Madeleine Leininger presents her arguments in this article using a clinical encounter that relates to her transcultural nursing care theory of a Bedouin woman client who is being assessed, diagnosed and treated for malignant growth (p 4). 

Upon the arrival of the client in the facility with complaints of pain and other symptoms of cancerous growth in her right breast, nurses are mandated to educate the woman about the beliefs and traditions of the Bedouin community so as to provide treatment that aligns with her culture. When it comes to providing medical care by considering cultural factors of the Bedouin community, healthcare providers must use a holistic approach that is not limited to being culturally sensitive towards them. 

The interdisciplinary team taking assessments, diagnosis, performing testing procedures, and administering treatment should apply transcultural theory while performing these tasks in order to validate this theory. I believe, therefore, when nurses considered the cultural background of the client helped the client/family to build trust and feelings of attachment with health care providers rather than conflicts among them. Furthermore, Leininger’s theory also helps nurses to deliver care using a holistic care approach, which strongly correlates with the Bedouin culture that medical treatment using drugs should be provided alongside medicinal herbals to prevent deterioration of illnesses.

To be perfectly honest, the most significant thing I have learned was to respect the difference despite its structure or content, likewise, the significance of cultural competence as a capacity of people and frameworks to react deferentially and viably to individuals of all classes, cultures, races, ethnic differences and religions in a way that perceives, insists, and values the cultural contrasts and likenesses and the value of people, families, and communities and ensures and saves the dignity of each. 

Transcultural Nursing Theory Articule #3

Busher Betancourt, D. A. (2016). Madeleine Leininger and the transcultural theory of nursing. The Downtown Review, 2(1), 1.

In the late 50s, Leininger was able to identify as well as relating different cultural background behaviors of children who were employed in a “child guidance home” (p 1). She learned that it is important to focus on early child’s healthcare development in the early stages. This forced Leininger to research what was lacking in the nurse’s knowledge at that time that cultural diversity is an important factor to be considered while providing care. Later, he came up with a transcultural theory of nursing that changed the way nursing care was being practiced. The focus of her theory is to enlighten nurses to consider different cultures as well as be prepared to care for patients using acceptable approaches that meet the patient’s cultural demands. 

Healthcare facilities in some of the developed countries like the United States serve as the international destination in providing advanced care. Patients from different backgrounds come into the hospital with the hope of receiving services that meet their needs especially services that do not overlook cultural beliefs and values. Leininger’s theory acts as a platform for nurses to provide culturally sensitive care. Therefore, hospitals aiming to deliver culturally congruent and positive care; people’s quality of life must be respected whereby all nurses are forced to understand different cultural values and beliefs of people to deliver culturally congruent and positive health care. 

The expertise of a nurse is significant during the management process of the disease since there can be not curing without caring. Transcultural nursing theory is only effective and successful when nurses provide care by understanding their diverse patients in every stage of the treatment journey. Hence, Madeleine’s theory unlocks the cultural competence of our present nursing practice that has a fascinating history and traditionally diverse future.

Transcultural Nursing Theory Articule #4

Leininger, M. (2007). Theoretical questions and concerns: Response from the theory of culture care diversity and universality perspective. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20(1), 9-13. 

This source is describing the reason behind Leininger’s pioneering work of developing a ground-breaking culturally congruent care theory. In the 1950s, culturally congruent care was practiced in the hospitals that nurses failed to associate care with patient’s diversity and universality perspective. The practice of the model in responding to theoretical concerns in those hospitals was geared towards addressing the cultural dynamics and how nurses related with their clients during care delivery. As a result of its focus, healthcare providers needed a theory that could explain the outcome of the type of care they would offer in response to sub-standard care provided. 

In the aspects of nursing, Leininger’s theory ought to characterize different cultural traits and differentiate those behaviors as either diverse, implying it’s supposed to be exceptional to the particular culture experienced, or universal implying it is encountered in many cultures. Globally, Madeleine’s experience as an anthropologist alongside her intercultural theory adequately laid a framework for representing different cultures. Practicing medical caretakers can apply this distinguishing evidence and order of cultural values in delivering congruent competent care based on a cultural foundation. Health care industries apply this cultural care approach to meet their patient’s needs without overlooking their background cultural aspects.

Unlike theories that focus primarily on diagnosis, Leininger’s theory is holistic because it incorporates everyone as a whole. Three modes of care are used in this holistic theory to change the traditional intervention approaches of treating patients. The first mode of care is culture care re-designing and rebuilding; the second mode is culture care convenience, and lastly, supported and safeguarded culture care. Nurses are in a position of incorporating planned congruent care in these three modes as well as presenting a domain helpful for ideal wellbeing working for the patient.

Transcultural Nursing Theory Articule #5

Clarke, P. N., McFarland, M. R., Andrews, M. M., & Leininger, M. (2009). Caring: Some reflections on the impact of the culture care theory by McFarland & Andrews and a conversation with Leininger. Nursing Science Quarterly, 22(3), 233-239.

The article discusses the efforts and supports Madeleine Leininger brought in founding the transcultural nursing and care for any human culture. In her theory, she came up with an ethnonursing method of practicing care that describes the importance of understanding a patient’s cultural background because people have different beliefs, ideas, values and the care for each is different. In modern hospitals, her contributions are greatly felt in the field of culture care. She wanted her theory to give meaning to other people as well as health outcomes to relate to culture. On page 238, the theory explains how nurses should apply ethnonursing strategy in merging knowledge of diversities, and universals among cultures in association to values, beliefs, disease patterns, wellness, health, and humanistic care. The theory employs a comparative focus to explore values, expressions, patterns, and lifeway’s within and between cultures (p.238).

In this article, three modes of cultural aspect are deemed important by Madeleine Leininger. These modes are: re-pattering, accommodation, and preservation. Nursing cultural competency has been measured along with these three modes as well as how congruent care should be administered. To demonstrate her key components of the theory, Leininger’s sunrise model has been used in practice for a long time. However, the theory is full of assumptions. Some of the assumption Leininger sunrise model is having is that care is essential to healing and curing as well as cultural differences between the patient and the caregiver is experienced in any human culture globally (p 236). Nursing practices change changed all over the world through her theory as it focused on care. She emphasized that nurses’ personal believes or professional backgrounds should not interfere with the type of care supposed to be offered to patients. Her theory has improved the culture of care and the overall nursing profession. 

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