LP2 Assignment: Self-Esteem Boosters and Communication Preferences


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First, reread “How to Increase Your Self-Esteem” in Chapter 4. In Part 1 of this assignment, pick four of the the following “self-esteem boosters” listed in the textbook that you feel would be the most powerful (You can also list ways to raise self-esteem which are not listed in the textbook.):
• Search for the Source of Low Self-Esteem
• Living Consciously
• Take Responsibility for Your Decisions
• Engage in Strength Building
• Seek the Support and Guidance of Mentors
• Set Goals
• Practice Guided Imagery
• Use Positive Self-Talk

List your choices in an essay and write a short paragraph about why you chose that self-esteem booster.

In Part 2 of this assignment, you will analyze your communication style using pages 55-67 of your textbook which includes the Dominance Indicator Form on page 55 and the Sociability Indicator Form on page 58 to determine your communication style.

First, do you agree with the results of the Communication Style Assessments? If so, discuss why it is accurate. If not, describe how the assessment results are inaccurate. Second, describe what you learned about your communication style by reading Chapter 3 and taking this assessment. In what ways does this validate how you already view yourself? What information surprised you or was most interesting to you?

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