Literature Review of Similar Programs, Interventions

Use the library to conduct a literature review of the types of programs and clinical interventions that exist for the population and area of clinical concern that are addressed in the hypothetical program you will be evaluating. Then, prepare a post that reviews the following:

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  • What programs already exist that address the clinical concern that is the focus of the hypothetical program in your community? Provide examples of published interventions used to help with this clinical area of concern—such as cognitive behavioral therapy, person-centered therapy, family therapy, et cetera—or techniques drawn from these or other theories. For example, in vivo exposure therapy (a technique) is based on behavioral theory and is accruing evidence of effectiveness for reducing PTSD symptoms (a clinical concern) among veterans (a population with unique needs). Integrate, cite, and reference at least two peer-reviewed journal articles to support this section of your post.
  • How does your hypothetical program address the clinical area of concern for the population it seeks to serve? Provide an explanation of the treatment intervention or clinical program that it uses, which might be a variation on the interventions or programs you found in the literature. For example, the program in your community might seek to serve female veterans with PTSD, but you might not find any research that specifically evaluates treatments for female veterans.
  • Briefly discuss the issues involved when programs must design plans that are suitable for their community when current literature does not provide evidence-based practices for all aspects of programs that are needed. How can formative and process evaluation bridge this gap? Integrate, cite, and reference your textbook and at least one peer-reviewed journal article that has been assigned for this course in Units 1–3.

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