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Name: Yelda Caliskan

Topic: Average age of people who has been diagnosed with depression

Depression is a big problem in our society. Day after day, the rate at which people are diagnosed with depression and suffers from its symptoms multiplies. Depression as a word caries a vast meaning. Now a days, people use it to indicate short term mood swings (which is also considered a type of depression). In my research, I will be focusing on clinical depression. According to WebMD website, depression has several types, varying by its severity. The types of depression include;

Major depression

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Persistent Depression Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Psychotic Depression

Postpartum Depression

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Situation Depression

Atypical Depression[footnoteRef:1] [1: Casarella, J. (2020, October 26). Types of Depression: Major, Chronic, Manic, and More Types. Retrieved November 24, 2020, from]

Certainly, when we think about the serious cases of depression the first thing that comes to mind is the major depression, which links to most depression related deaths.

This topic is dear to my hearth due to the proximity of the issue to my personal life. Depression runs in my family and therefore genes. I hope that by picking this topic and making a research about it will provide me the insight to get me the help that my loved ones need.

As mentioned in the previous sentence, this is a very common problem people our generation faces. Part of the problem is that, our societies is evolving at a very rapid pace and we as human beings end up leaving behind to catch up with all the changes. Especially with the digital era, access to information has become very easy. This practically has brough many comforts though came with its curse. This topic certainly is not a topic which I can resolve by myself however I do believe by conducting a well-structured research about the topic, I will be able guide people who I know struggles with this problem.

In my life, I was lucky enough to accumulate people from various backgrounds which includes research and academic workers. One of my dear friends who is a post-doctoral candidate in at the Texas A&M University would be the person who I would turn to when conducting my research. As she has many academic publishing, she also has a large network of people who she can get me connected to get my questions answered.

To solve this problem, translates to collecting well published and solid knowledge about this problem. My success criteria are to collect various well published academic writing about the major questions. I would like to answer questions such as “Does age has anything to do with depression diagnosis”? Satisfying the success criteria is a steppingstone for my understanding of the root problems causing this disease.

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