life span

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HLS 245: Human Development Please attach this sheet to your paper.

Late Adult Interview (25 points)

You are to conduct an interview with an individual over the age of 65, preferably an
individual with whom you are only slightly acquainted. Develop a list of questions
pertinent to the following categories.

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1. Relationships: Current status of significant relationships in the life of the
individual re: partner, children, grandchildren, siblings, friends, parents (if still
living), great-grandchildren (if present). Address how events may have changed
the current status of relationships (i.e. death, divorce, fallouts).

2. Independent living: Present living situation, transportation. Address any
changes that may have occurred to influence the present situation.

3. Work life: Present status in relationship to work as well as reflections on one’s
career as a worker.

4. Leisure activities: Types of activities and extent of leisure pursuits. Engagement
in learning activities. Changes that have occurred over time in relation to these.

5. Peer relations: Number and type of close friends (age, gender, similarity to self),
satisfaction or dissatisfaction, changes that have occurred over time in with peer

6. Health status and practices: Diet, exercise, access medical support, medical
needs, physical changes over the years.

7. Typical week – Amount of time spent with work, hobbies, home management,
care giving, organized activities, clubs, friends, talking on the phone, participation
in community activities, church, organizations, etc.

8. Reflections: The individual’s thoughts of their past (satisfaction or
dissatisfaction), their view of their present situation, and hopes for the future.

Once you have conducted the interview, you will need to analyze the individual’s
development relevant to issues in older adulthood as discussed in class and in your
text, for example: ego integrity vs. despair (Erikson), transcendence (Peck), adaptive
defenses (Vaillant), continuity (Atchley), productivity, coping (Lazarus & Folkman),
disengagement (Cumming & Henry). Make sure to review these and apply them to the
individual who you interviewed.

The written report should include the following (use subheadings in your paper):

1. Initial information: Adult’s name (initials only), date of birth, age, date and time
of your interview, setting of the interview, individuals present during observation,
length of interview.

2. Observations: Discuss the individual’s comfort with the interview process and
the extent to which information could be discussed openly and honestly.

3. Life practices: Use subheadings in each of the 8 categories: Relationships,
Independent Living, Work Life, Leisure Activities, Peer Relations, Health Status
and Practices, Typical Week, and Reflections. Summarize the information that
you gleaned in each section.

4. Analysis: Analyze the individual’s practices in the above areas regarding how
they relate to typical development within individuals of this age group. Include a
discussion of the adult’s strengths and challenges. This should be thorough and
insightful, integrating information from the individual with class and textbook
information about concepts of older adulthood.

5. Personal reaction: Brief discussion of your reaction to this experience and the

You must also include your raw notes with your assignment and the signature sheet
indicating the date, time, and contact information for the family with whom you
conducted your observation.

When completing this assignment, use your course textbook as a guide.
Information in the text will help you to determine what characteristics of development
you should be looking for in the person you observe/interview and what is considered
within normal range for the developmental stage. Refer to what the theorists expect for
the particular stage of development and tell what you found in relation to what might be
expected for that individual.

Grading for Older Adult Observation: 25 points possible

_____ 2 Initial information: Initial information is comprehensive and
clearly presented.

_____ 2 Observations: Your observations during the interview process are

included concisely.

_____ 8 Life skills: Discussion of the adult’s practices in each of the
following areas is both comprehensive and concise. Relationships,
Independent Living, Work Life, Leisure Activities, Peer Relations,
Health Status & Practices, Typical Week and Reflections. (2 points
are allotted for each developmental area.)

_____ 8 Analysis: The adult’s overall development is compared and
contrasted with a determination made in relation to typical
development within this age group. Strengths and challenges are
presented. The individuals experience in older adulthood is
analyzed in relation to classroom and textbook concepts.

_____ 3 Personal reaction: Discuss your reaction to the experience and

the assignment.

_____ 2 Paper reflects professional language, free of grammar and
language errors. Notes taken during the interview process are
included with paper along with signature sheet.

Textbook and interview are cited using APA style format.

Adult’s Initials:________________Date of Interview: __________________

Adult’s Signature:______________________________________Phone #___________

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