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  1. What is myelination? What is the role of myelin in physical development?
  2. What are centration and conservation according to Piaget? How are centration and conservation related?
  3. Tisha is talking to her grandmother on the phone when she sees a beautiful cardinal light on the tree branch just outside the window. She says, “Look, Grammy, look at the bird!” What would Piaget call this error?

    Rowen has two teddy bears. He talks to them and they talk to each other. They all eat lunch together and have fine conversations. What would Piaget call this behavior?
    Three-year-old Johnny is crying. His mother gave both he and his one-year-old brother a cookie, but she broke his baby brother’s cookie into two pieces which Johnny believes gave him more. What would Piaget call this error?

  4. According to Vygotsky, how should you teach a young child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle?

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